The reason both Ron and Rand quit was because they both would audit the Fed, and then shut it down. This would mean their assassination, or at least assassination of family members, and they know it.
The point? All there is that might not be assassinated are crooks, criminals and liars.
Jury nullification bypasses almost all the government can do anyway. Study and promote it.
I have my opinion on jury nullification but I won't speak of it because I don't want that to affect the jury selection process if you know what I mean.
Sounds like this should be titled, "Dear Republicans", since you only seem to be talking to half of America...
I see your point. BUT, America was founded on the ideas of personal liberty and limited government. Right now those ideas don't seem very welcome in the Democratic party. They don't seem that welcome in the GOP either, but at least reasonable candidates do appear occasionally.
If Jefferson (a Democrat) was on the ticket, I'd be voting Democrat. I'm not a partisan voter in general, I just haven't seen any pro-freedom candidates in the Democratic party for awhile.
If Democrats were open to taking a Libertarian turn, I might be open to reconsidering, but instead they've decided to go in a Venezuelan direction courtesy of Sanders.
As many problems as Trump has caused for the republicans, Bernie has caused for the democrats...
Nobody even wanted to run against Hillary because she was practically guaranteed the nomination before it even began... The fact that Bernie, who the media deems an evil commie, has nearly half of the democrats behind him says a lot (not counting the fact that Hillary cheats left and right, if she was not playing dirty, Bernie might even be leading)
Part of the reason Trump is doing so well is because his competition sucks balls... I'm no fan of Trump, but Ben Carson, and Marco Roboto were complete jokes... I liked Christie before he dropped out... perhaps Paul Ryan or Ron Paul, but they don't seem to want the job... I'd vote for Trump before Cruz, he's a joke too... at least Trump is entertaining... we could have a party as we watch the world burn
Very true. But Bernie isn't as lacking in character. Sure he is extreme, economically ignorant and a class warrior, but at least he seems to have some morals. And he won't be nominated. Trump will.
I don't know your political leanings, but I'm surprised you liked Christie. He was pedantic and demeaning. He acted as if we are all living in fear waiting for "daddy Chris" to come in and save us with a big 'ol expansion of the security state.
EDIT: Not trying to start a debate though. You can like whoever you want, except Trump, Bernie or Hillary.