When ASICs were created, those miners split their power with the
validator nodes that do not mine.
Meeeeeeec. Error.
ASIC did not split the power.
It only lifted computer power to a new level.
Bitcoin is not proof-of-network, it's proof-of-work.
You are very short sighted and incapable of thinking outside of the box.
You do not understand what I am saying. Your brain is already biased.
No one said anything about Proof of Network, though it could be argued that
the reason why miners can not hardfork on their own, like you believe, is because
a form of Proof of Network does indeed exists, metaphorically speaking.
When BU made that invalid block a few weeks ago, the nodes rejected it
because the miners DO NOT control.
Nodes cost only $40/month or less.
If you're correct, how come no one has thought to buy a few thousand nodes for a few hours in the cloud to gain control of Bitcoin?
They can and that could be a likely future.
If there were no Validator Nodes, Miners COULD do whatever they want, in theory.
The Validator Nodes PREVENT Miners from hardforking WITHOUT network Consensus.
You don't understand this or purposefully spreading misinformation to noobs.
ASIC Miners inadvertently gave half their power to Validator Nodes back in 2011.
You say half the power? Exactly 50%? Why?
You should assume that the miners have the technical and economic ability to deploy the nodes as necessary.
In theory, yes they gave away half their power away, to a new entity.
In a very basic sense, since percentages are not determinable, it is like saying that
miners gave validator node operators the power of VETO. If a miner does something,
the validator nodes can, if they disagree with that action, VETO that miner's action.
If majority of Validator Nodes all VETO, that Miner's action is negated entirely.
The Miner's power is contingent on the Validator Nodes not using their VETO.
A softfork, as opposed to hardforks, prevent validator nodes from VETO.
Since BU Miners are using a hardfork, out of necessity, there is the ability to VETO.
Miner's ability to deploy their own nodes doesn't matter since the others will still VETO.
Miners would need to operate about 150k (or more, IDK) nodes for a few months to
year to override.