I strongly disagree. What could he do against the barrage that the media (old and new) trowed at him? While nothing was said about hrc. Not a bleep about the total treason that her foundation represent? No one has been able to refute podesta's horros. Nothing. 0. The most shameful, irresponsible and unpatriotic behaviors in the history of the USA. When you think about Paul Revere letters and all those that fought to gain independence, I am sure that none could believe that such traitors would be allowed to live.
The most frustrating part is their total disconnect with the reality of the world. the ivory tower defined. But worst if it was from a real genuine idea to improve things that would have failed... but no, it was clearly a way to "enshrine" their domination on the People.
Their contempt knew no limit. I use the past because I think they start to get how massive the backslash to their "initiatives" really is. And more certainly how dangerous the situation start to get for them... little coward. Sucking everything they can. leeches.