Now I don't know how legit this is, do your own due diligence and then do anything stupid or smart. There are a couple more sites too. Just Google what you have asked.
Ha, that one looks interesting. This is what it says in their FAQ
"What happens when a borrower does not pay back the loan?
If a borrower fails to pay back the loan completely, the loan turns into a default. In this case the Lendoit Smart Compensation Fund immediately deposits a fraction of the loan to the lender in order to minimize his loss. Since the borrower is known and legally bound to the smart contract, the lender has the choice of collecting the debt himself or simply selling the default on the Collectors Market to further minimize his loss.
*The ability to engage in syndicated loans protects the lender as well"
How can Lendoit protect its Lenders?
Lending is a risky business, however Lendoit makes sure to address the lender’s risk:
First: every borrower is scored through a professional scoring/verification processes by third party companies in the borrower’s country (before their loan application is published)
Second: the lender is protected through a Smart Compensation Fund where a percentage of every loan is stored in order to compensate for the defaulted ones.
Third: in case of default the debt can be sold in a collector’s market (default market) - the lender can sell the debt to professional collectors in each country (similar to the way it works in the traditional markets)
Four: The ability to engage in syndicated loans protects the lender as well.
By combining the four Lendoit mitigates the chances that lenders are affected by the risks of lending.