The benefit is freedom and competition.
If you can't cut it in the competition, vote for government, because when government takes control, prices go up, and government takes its cut.
The freedom to drive each other into the ground!
Government label seems a stretch,was more a pro union stance.
Some times I have a problem with changes that can potentially do more harm without some kind of fail safe.
Look at how certain groups based on religion,race or location take over a set field of work. It blocks honest and open competition that a supposed free market brings.
The idea of a free market sometimes feels like another term for NWO as I know Soros would be down with this concept. Make people believe they have control when they actually have less.
Imagine no government. Imagine that there is freedom to contract in any way for any thing. The result is that there will be some shrewd operators who figure out how to do it cheaper. The bigger they get, the smaller the rest of the companies get.
If there isn't any force involved, it doesn't work that way. It costs extra money to grow and remain big. The small competitors will out bid the big companies in the end.
Government is the big guys' attempting to maintain expensive operations against small competition. Government regulation makes it hard for the small guys.
The product listed in the OP is a way that government can't easily control. It will, ultimately, bring costs down, and increase quality, while holding government at bay.
Any business can use it. It's just that it has its start with a few types of operations. One of the biggest ways to use it is to shrink phone companies to the small size of individual home businesses, and then operate the Internet over them. Soon there will be no need even for ICCAN, which the UN has recently taken over.