I'm a public, non-anonymous person. As an American citizen, I have the first amendment right (IANAL) to publish private keys C or D based on the outcome of an event. What people do with this information is out of my control. Meanwhile in cypherspace, Alice and Bob want to bet on this event, but they don't trust each other. For liability reasons I can never contact either of them directly, sign their transactions myself, etc. So Alice and Bob create their own set of two multisignature transactions:
- First, they both enter their funds into (A AND B) so they both have money on the line. If Alice is worried that Bob won't deposit his share they can use an escrow, or pay in many small increments tit-for-tat to share the risk.
- Once full, Alice and Bob sign the first transaction to pay into ((A AND C) OR (B AND D) OR (A AND B)).
- When either the event happens or the deadline elapses, I publish key C or D. If I release key C, Alice can claim the winnings. If I release key D, Bob can claim the winnings. A week or so after the winning key, I will release the losing key.
Failure scenarios:
- If I disappear, the loser can still release their key just to be fair. If the loser really wants to be a dick they might demand some of it back.
- If the winner disappears, then the loser can claim the pot a week later. (I hate to see coins wasted)
- If the loser disappears, it shouldn't be an issue since no action is required on their part after the 3-person transaction has been funded.
- Alice and Bob can't sell their shares to people who don't trust them, since payment is tied to their private keys. This will eventually be fixable with smart contracts.
- Alice or Bob could bribe me to release the wrong key. I might even secretly BE Alice or Bob. This should be fixable by adding more "bookies" and requiring the winner plus a majority of bookies to release funds. In the meantime Alice and Bob will need to use a bookie with at least SOME integrity, reputation, or fear of random angry hackers.
This would allow for an infinite number of Alices and Bobs to bet on if I release key C or D with minimal computer skills required by anyone.