The way I took it, the solution is either
- the private key or
- the seed
of the address which holds the dough. And since I won't be able to solve it, here is what I've found so far:
The truly interesting thing is the tree in the background. If you zoom in, you notice these things:
- It consists of different distinguishable sections
- the sections are either brown, yellow or green
- the sections have either one, two or no small red stripes on them
- there are gears in the branches as well
- I have the feeling, that the cables don't play a big role in it, could be wrong, though
Now, the fact that there is no visible pattern in the way the different elements are located to each other, I strongly suspect this to be a code of some kind, consisting of the different sections and their properties. colour plus red lines gives nine possible combinations, if you'd somehow factor in the gears, you'd have 10.
What I struggle to find is
a) an order to put them in. The tree structure makes that very hard. You probably go clockwise, but how exactly do you count branches? Where do you start?
b) I'm not good at cracking basic replacement encryptions, but that's what it looks like.
Now, you guys have fun. If you happen to crack the code and think I had something to do with it, send some love my way
PS.: Two things I decided to ignore for now, but may actually be critical:
- The shape of the keys at the knees of the figure look like letters of some kind, either "real" letters that are very well ofuscated or some fantasy language, like the dragon language or whathaveyou. Not my field of expertise.
- I think some connecting pins of the sections of the tree have different colours as well. But it's so small and irregular, that it may be nothing.