
Topic: Deep dive intro culture of russia-Ukraine war (Read 337 times)

Activity: 2436
Merit: 1850
Crypto for the Crypto Throne!
One interesting moment: From the sart of the war, russian nazionalists propaganda and so-called "voencori" (war journalists) speculated that ukrainians cutting testicles to russian captives. Ofc, with 0 proofs, later one "voencor" Evgeny Poddubny told that this was  his psyop idea, but as you can understand russian didn't believe that all this shit was just a imagination of one "voencor". So they think that ukrainians doing this, but putin and russian govenrment trying to cover this facts. And as we see, they started to do it by themselves.

So what in return? We have proof that russian doing such things (at least once), but zero proofs about ukrainians.

Of course, they're projecting their own crimes on Ukrainians. Just like with attacks on civilian objects, looting, etc. It's easier to "report" it when you don't have to make it up, just blame it on the other side.

This is more interesting pattern, which often happens only to russians: Government propaganda or some initiative russian blogger creating some BS narrative, like "ukrainians cutting testicles to our pows" and some time later russians start doing this things by themselves. Because in their reality it's just "an answer" to what enemies have done to them (russians).

And EVEN creator of such BS (in case with testicles - russian propagandists Evgeny Poddubny) told everyone that this is fake, noone will believe him. Typical answer is conspiracy theories that "Government covers cases where our soldiers were cut, because government is an ally to ukrainians/westerners/reptilians"

Look at this take, from a russian: "Я зaкoлeбaлcя cлyшaть paccкaзы o poccийcкиx coлдaтax, лишившиxcя тecтикyл в плeнy. Ha мoй peзoнный вoпpoc «нy и гдe xoть oдин?» мнe oбычнo oтвeчaют в дyxe «дa Mинoбopoны cкpывaeт, чтoб жecти нe былo». Ha мoё peзoннoe зaмeчaниe, чтo вooбщe-тo c тaкoй иcтopиeй мoжнo былo бы пoлyчить xoтя бы мeждyнapoдный нeйтpaлитeт в кoнфликтe, coбeceдники oбычнo зaвиcaют. Hy вoт итoг тoгo, чтo никaкиx oпpoвepжeний или пoдтвepждeний диким иcтopиям тaк и нe дaли. Mы oпять пo yши в гoвнe и c дoкyмeнтaльнoй фикcaциeй"

In short: The guy asks "If it was so, where all proofs?" and often answer is "Ministry of Defense hide such cases!"

Main examples:
- Shelling Donbass by ukrainians (Despite we know about some cases, the main thesis is BS" - now russians shelling ukrainians
- cutting testicles off (again, fake story) - now we have proofs that russians REALLY do such things

So you can with ease predict what russian soldiers will do, just watching main propaganda and nationalists takes.
Activity: 2436
Merit: 1634
Do not die for Putin
I am one who thinks that this war has a lot to do with resources. Not as much capturing the Ukrainian resources (mineral, oil, gas, food, water,... ) but rather about not allowing those resources to actually being put to use by Europe in collaboration with Ukraine. But there is a lot more about the war:

As i said, can't agree with such point of view. russia has surplus of resources: oil, gas, gold, most of Rare earth metals, food, animals, wood and a lot of other valuable things. So i doubt it would need another bunch of resources in Ukraine.

And Russia (at least didn't) consider Europe as enemy, so again, I don't see any reason to start this war to not allow Europe to get some ukrainian resources. It's pure ideological crusade against "corrupted russians" (ukrainians).

Here interesting moment:

"Бaнкиp Пyгaчёв нe paз гoвopил в интepвью, чтo eщё 10 лeт нaзaд Пyтинa интepecoвaли тoлькo 2 тeмы – Укpaинa и Гaзпpoм. Bcё ocтaльнoe былo eмy нeинтepecнo."

Translation: Banker Pugachev told in interview that 10 years ago Putin was interested into two things - Ukraine and Gasprom. Everything else were ignored.


I think that the geostrategic implications of having Ukraine between your main export resources (Siberia) and your main client to date (Germany / EU) are well above any cultural consideration on this war. To be honest, I do not believe that any single war in history was based merely on "cultural differences", but all of them can be explained in terms of resources and geostrategic interests.

As said, Putin does not want the EU to be an strategic ally of Ukraine, because in his mind it is his backyard to use at his will, and to the greater profit of "Russia Inc" (yes, mainly Gazprom).

Now, RF does not need further resources, just as Elon Musk does not need more money. But it is there and they are ok taking it. And that is not even accounting for the control of food supplies. The RF as of now exports 18% of the world wheat. Ukraine 9% of wheat and quite a chunk of other food staples. If RF would fully control Ukraine, they would be nearly in control of the world food prices other than in America.

And yes, with EU money and Ukrainian resources, the RF is still a big exports player, but less than without it.

However, I do think that the cultural aspects play a role on HOW the war is waged. Terror tactics, the use of minorities, disregard for soldiers and corruption are quite a trademark of the red RF army.

Activity: 3752
Merit: 1864
Let's start with the main thing: Russian aggression against Ukraine has historical roots and lasts for about 400 years.
We expect the question - what are the reasons. I answer: having studied the real history of the formation that is now called Russia, you will be surprised to learn that before the 18th century, no Russia and Russians existed. Generally !
There was a Moscow ulus, which in 1721 came up with a new name - "Russia". The reasons ? By the beginning of the 18th century, Khazanat (a legacy of the Mongol-Tatar yoke) had lost ground, began to lose strength, and began to fall apart. The Crimean Khanate, which was the owner and ruler of the Moscow ulus, also weakened and began to give up its positions.
Muscovy needed to quickly rebuild and try to become part of an actively developing Europe. How to become a respected people from savages? In general, almost nothing, or a century of work on oneself. To work and achieve is not characteristic of Muscovites (Russians).
And they decided to go the old proven way, so beloved by them - STEAL! But steal not money, a horse, a cart, but HISTORY! The history of Orthodox RUSSIA, with the center in Kyiv. Which by the 17th century had reached a high level of development, were the center of Slavism, Orthodoxy, had weight in European politics and economics, European history, and culture.
As you can guess - in order to steal something and hide the traces - you need to destroy the old owner of the stolen. So there will be no copyright owner of the stolen, and it will be possible to calmly pass off the stolen as "historically mine".
And now we come to the first few important facts. When I talk about facts, I mean the historical events that took place, which can be verified in several independent sources. This is not Russian propaganda, where the main thing is lies and relying on not very smart people who believe any nonsense.

1. Finns, Tatars, Ugrians, Mordovians, Samoyeds, Moksha - the largest component of the peoples of Russia - were renamed "Russian Slavs" only at the end of the 18th - beginning of the 19th centuries.
QUESTIONS: What language was spoken in the 14th-18th centuries in the Finno-Ugric-Tatar Muscovy, which was at war with Russia, Lithuania and Poland? When did the RUSSIAN LANGUAGE, called "Russian" today, appear?
Until the 18th century, the language of Muscovy (the foremother of Russia) was specifically called the language of Muscovites, Muscovite and was not recognized by European linguists, including Slavic countries. Muscovite language - belonged to the Finnish dialects !!!

2. Let's remember once again how many times the enemies of Ukraine and Ukrainians have tried to limit the use of the Ukrainian language over the past 400 years. The Ukrainian language was forbidden to us 134 times, not America and not Europe, but Muscovy-Russia!
Poorly educated and mentally narrow-minded Russians shout at the top of their lungs "Ukraine never existed!" The Ukrainian language has been restricted, banned and abolished for the past four centuries. Officially - by circulars, decrees, laws, anathemas, etc.
The ban on the Ukrainian language was imposed by all branches of the Muscovite-Russian government: the Senate, the Duma, and even the Holy Synod. From 1700 to 1908, 12 (TWELVE) Muscovite-Russian Decrees and Government Decrees were issued, restricting and prohibiting Ukrainian culture and language.

3. Having occupied the Ukrainian Don Lands at the beginning of the 18th century, Muscovy began to spread its rules and categorically forbade the Ukrainian language in these territories.
In 1918, Ukraine also included the Ukrainian Free Cossacks of the Kuban - where the Cossacks mainly spoke Ukrainian ... Again, having acquired the territory of the Kuban, Muscovy-Russia categorically forbade the Ukrainian language.

4. Chronology of the attempt to destroy the Ukrainian language by the Moscow ulus (aka Russia, aka the USSR, aka the Russian Federation)


    1626 - Metropolitan Joseph of Krakovsky of Kyiv compiled an akathist to St. Barbara. Moscow allowed, but on the condition of its translation into Russian. The synod ordered the Metropolitan of Kyiv to collect books from the old Ukrainian press from all the churches of Ukraine, and instead of
    them to start Moscow publications.
    1627 - By decree of Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov, and the Patriarch of Moscow Filaret, who was his father and co-ruler, books of the Ukrainian press were ordered to be collected and burned.
    1662 - By decree of Tsar Alexei, on the proposal of the Patriarch of Moscow, it was ordered to burn in the state all copies of the Teaching Gospel of K. Stavrovetsky printed in Ukraine.
    1667 - Andrusov agreement. Concluding agreements with the Poles, Tsar Alexei made the following demands regarding Ukrainian books, their authors and publishers: the order was dishonest thieves' (this is the name given to Ukrainian books) books, no one from our royal majesty's subjects
    should be printed anywhere under pain of death.
    1669 - After the Union of Lublin, the persecution of Ukrainian books printed on the territory subject to the Kingdom of Poland began.
    1672 - Decree on the prohibition to keep openly or secretly Ukrainian books at home in Poland.
    1677 - Order of Patriarch Joachim to tear out from Ukrainian books sheets not similar to Moscow books.
    1689 - It is forbidden for the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra to print books without patriarchal permission:

    ... First of all, if you didn’t send us, you wouldn’t dare to print such new-composed books ....

    Muscovy tried to reduce the level of education and science in Ukraine by restricting or banning printing, to destroy the national spirit in culture, everyday life, and social relations.

The first censorship in Russia was instituted specifically for publications of the Little Russian press, as was recognized in the Decree of 1905 On the Abolition of Restrictions on the Little Russian Printed Word.

    1690 - Condemnation and anathema of the Council of the Russian Orthodox Church on the Kyiv new books of P. Mohyla, K. Stavrovetsky, S. Polotsky, Baranovich, A. Radzivilovskiy and others.
    1693 - Letter from the Patriarch of Moscow to the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra about the prohibition of any books in the Ukrainian language.


    1720 - decree of Peter I on the prohibition of printing in the Ukrainian language and the removal of Ukrainian texts from church books.
    1729 - the order of Peter II to rewrite all decrees and orders from Ukrainian into Russian.
    1763 - decree of Catherine II on the prohibition of teaching in Ukrainian at the Kiev-Mohyla Academy.
    1769 - the ban of the Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church MP to print and use the Ukrainian primer.
    1775 - the destruction of the Zaporozhian Sich and the closure of Ukrainian schools at the regimental Cossack offices.
    1789 - Order of the Educational Commission of the Polish Sejm to close all Ukrainian schools.

    1817 - the introduction of the Polish language in all folk schools in Western Ukraine.
    1832 - the reorganization of education in the Right-Bank Ukraine on the general principles of the empire with the translation into the Russian language of instruction.
    1847 - the defeat of the Cyril and Methodius Brotherhood and the intensification of the cruel persecution of the Ukrainian language and culture, the banning of the best works of Shevchenko, Kulish, Kostomarov and others.
    1859 - The Ministry of Religions and Sciences of Austria-Hungary in Eastern Galicia and Bukovina attempted to replace the Ukrainian Cyrillic alphabet with the Latin one.
    1862 - Closing of free Ukrainian Sunday schools for adults in Ukraine, occupied by the Russian Empire.
    1863 - Valuev circular on the prohibition to give censorship permission to print Ukrainian-language spiritual and popular educational literature: "there has never been and cannot be any separate Little Russian language."
    1864 - the adoption of the Charter of the elementary school, according to which education was to be conducted only in Russian.
    1869 - the introduction of the Polish language as the official language of education and administration of Eastern Galicia.
    1870 - explanations of the Minister of Education of Russia D. Tolstoy that "the ultimate goal of the education of all foreigners must undeniably be Russification."
    1876 ​​- Oleksandr's Emsky decree on the prohibition of printing and importation from abroad of any Ukrainian-language literature, as well as on the prohibition of Ukrainian stage performances and the printing of Ukrainian texts under notes, that is, folk songs.
    1881 - a ban on teaching in public schools and delivering church sermons in Ukrainian.
    1884 - Alexander III banned Ukrainian theatrical performances in all Little Russian provinces.
    1888 - decree of Alexander III on the prohibition of the use of the Ukrainian language in official institutions and baptism with Ukrainian names.
    1892 - a ban on translating books from Russian into Ukrainian.
    1895 - the ban of the Main Directorate for Press Affairs to publish Ukrainian books for children.


    1911 - Decree of the 7th Nobility Congress in Moscow on exclusively Russian-language education and the inadmissibility of the use of other languages ​​in Russian schools.
    1914 - a ban on celebrating the 100th anniversary of Taras Shevchenko; Decree of Nicholas II on the ban on the Ukrainian press.
    1914, 1916 - Russification campaigns in Western Ukraine; prohibition of the Ukrainian word, education, church.
    1918 - In 1918, the Ukrainian Free Cossacks of the Kuban were also part of Ukraine. In those years, in the Kuban, mainly Ukrainian was spoken ... in the years when Russia categorically banned the Ukrainian language.
    1922 - the proclamation by a part of the leadership of the Central Committee of the RCP (b) and the Central Committee of the Communist Party (b) of the "theory" of the struggle in Ukraine of two cultures - urban (Russian) and peasant (Ukrainian), in which the first must win.
    1924 - the law of the Polish Republic on limiting the use of the Ukrainian language in administrative bodies, courts, education in the Ukrainian lands subject to the Poles.
    1924 - the law of the Romanian kingdom on the obligations of all "Romanians" who "lost their mother's speech" to educate children only in Romanian schools.
    1925 - the final closure of the Ukrainian "secret" university in Lviv.
    1926 - the beginning of the persecution of the figures of "Ukrainization". Stalin's letter "Tov. Kaganovich and other members of the PB of the Central Committee of the CP(b)U with the sanction to fight against the ‘national deviation’.”
    1933 - Stalin's telegram about the end of "Ukrainization". On November 18, 1933, there was a duplication of the decision of the Central Committee of the Communist Party (b) and the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR, adopted on December 14, 1932 - the Moscow-controlled plenum of the Central Committee of the Communist Party (b) of Ukraine adopted a resolution to stop the Ukrainization policy in the country. It was officially declared that the policy of indigenization threatened the existence of a united USSR. In 1934, under pressure from the Stalinist elite, Ukrainization began to be seen as a manifestation of nationalism, and a struggle was launched against it. The Ukrainian national intelligentsia was subjected to a wave of cruel repressions.
    1933 - the abolition in Romania of the ministerial decree of December 31, 1929, which allowed several hours of Ukrainian per week in schools with a majority of Ukrainian students.
1934 - a special order of the Ministry of Education of Romania on the dismissal from work "for hostile attitude towards the state and the Romanian people" of all Ukrainian teachers who demanded the return of the Ukrainian language to the school.
    1938 - Decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR and the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks "On the compulsory study of the Russian language in schools of national republics and regions", the corresponding decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the Ukrainian SSR and the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine (b)U.
    1947 - operation "Vistula"; the resettlement of part of the Ukrainians from the ethnic Ukrainian lands "scattered" between the Poles in Western Poland to speed up their Polishization.
    1958 - consolidation in Art. 20 Fundamentals of the Legislation of the USSR and the Union Republics on public education provisions on the free choice of the language of instruction, the study of all languages ​​except Russian, at the request of the parents of students.
    1960-1980 - massive closure of Ukrainian schools in Poland and Romania.
    1970 - order to defend dissertations only in Russian.
    1972 - a ban by party bodies to celebrate the anniversary of the Museum of I. Kotlyarevsky in Poltava.
    1973 - a ban on celebrating the anniversary of the work of I. Kotlyarevsky "Aeneid".
    1974 - Resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU "On preparations for the 50th anniversary of the creation of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics", which for the first time proclaims the creation of a "new historical community - the Soviet people", the official course of denationalization.
    1978 - Resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR "On measures to further improve the study and presentation of the Russian language in the Union republics" ("Brezhnev Circular").
    1983 - Decree of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR "On additional measures to improve the study of the Russian language in secondary schools and other educational institutions of the Union republics" ("Andropov Decree").
    1984 - Decree of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR "On the further improvement of the general secondary education of young people and the improvement of the working conditions of a comprehensive school."
    1984 - beginning in the Ukrainian SSR of payments increased by 15% of the salary of teachers of the Russian language compared to teachers of the Ukrainian language.
    1984 - Order of the Ministry of Culture of the USSR on the translation of office work in all museums of the Soviet Union into Russian.
    1989 - Resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU on the "legislative consolidation of the Russian language as a national language."
    1990 - the adoption by the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of the Law on the Languages ​​of the Peoples of the USSR, where the Russian language was given official status.


    2012 - the adoption by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine of the draft Law "On the Fundamentals of the State Language Policy", which threatens to significantly narrow the scope of the use of the Ukrainian language in key areas of life in most regions of Ukraine. Muscovite Russians forbade Ukrainians from their native language. During this time, the Ukrainian language has hardened in such a way that it is unlikely to pay attention to any deputies. On July 3, 2012, the Party of Regions faction in the Verkhovna Rada deceived its opponents by adopting in the second reading a scandalous law that makes Russian the official language.

And now, lovers of fairy tales that in Ukraine "the Russian language is banned", who really forbade and DESTROYED and whose language?

Sources of systematic information:
Activity: 2436
Merit: 1850
Crypto for the Crypto Throne!
I am one who thinks that this war has a lot to do with resources. Not as much capturing the Ukrainian resources (mineral, oil, gas, food, water,... ) but rather about not allowing those resources to actually being put to use by Europe in collaboration with Ukraine. But there is a lot more about the war:

As i said, can't agree with such point of view. russia has surplus of resources: oil, gas, gold, most of Rare earth metals, food, animals, wood and a lot of other valuable things. So i doubt it would need another bunch of resources in Ukraine.

And Russia (at least didn't) consider Europe as enemy, so again, I don't see any reason to start this war to not allow Europe to get some ukrainian resources. It's pure ideological crusade against "corrupted russians" (ukrainians).

Here interesting moment:

"Бaнкиp Пyгaчёв нe paз гoвopил в интepвью, чтo eщё 10 лeт нaзaд Пyтинa интepecoвaли тoлькo 2 тeмы – Укpaинa и Гaзпpoм. Bcё ocтaльнoe былo eмy нeинтepecнo."

Translation: Banker Pugachev told in interview that 10 years ago Putin was interested into two things - Ukraine and Gasprom. Everything else were ignored.


@icopress told me that some bitcointalk users want to donate to Ukraine army trough me. For now, I'm mostly trying to help to Ukrainian Volunteer Army (УДA - Укpaїнcькa Дoбpoвoльчa Apмiя). Because unlike Armed Forces of Ukraine, it's is pure volunteer army, guys fighting without any salary or provision from the government.

I've alredy provided to them some consumables and one thermal image camera

If you want that their mortar squad would kill more russians, you can donate here. I will pin only BTC address at first, if you want to donate through other crypto, please PM me.


P.S: We have already ordered one Mavic drone, but such things is just a consumables at war, so will be glad for any donations. Depends on their size and my own budget I will buy a drone, or thermal vision camera because guys has only this white Lahoux from me. One thermal camera for 32 soldiers  Sad

If you have a drone or thermal/night vision and do not need it, you can also donate it to UVA, I'll cover all shipment duties.


Thx to all who donated money to this. As you see, I had drone at 18 of August and now it's on it's way to the frontline!  Smiley
Activity: 2436
Merit: 1634
Do not die for Putin
I am one who thinks that this war has a lot to do with resources. Not as much capturing the Ukrainian resources (mineral, oil, gas, food, water,... ) but rather about not allowing those resources to actually being put to use by Europe in collaboration with Ukraine. But there is a lot more about the war:

- From Adolf Putin's perspective, his conceptual map of the RF is large cities in Russia (mainly Moscow & St Petersb.) + others to be ignored, dominated or controlled. This is based on how the draft and the recruitment for the army is conducted and the casualties that prove that nationalities and soldiers from economically deprived and politically ignored regions are killed more often.

This strategy is not specific to this war, it is just the way RF wages war with Putin. Offering salaries that make a big difference for people from minorities and poorer regions so that they go and fight the minorities in other countries and kill each other while the Russians of Moscow reap the earnings and manage "Russia Inc." Soldiers will sign-up as they may simply not have any other perspective of progress.

Just imagine an scenario in which the regions of RF that really hold the economic resources (Siberia) decided that they would be better-off without someone in Moscow telling them what to do. Would it not be interesting, it is much better to keep them ignorant, poor and let them kill among themselves.

- As of today "Russia Inc.", similarly to "Saudi Arabia Inc." is mainly a petroleum export based economy. It is not the only export, but it is a huge export and Putin's RF tends to wage war when oil prices are high. The EU does not expect the RF to respond to sanctions. It expects to drastically reduce the flow of money that is required to pay the troops, the logistics and the production. More than 50% of energy exports go to China + Germany. More than 50% of exports are oil & energy.

To put it plainly, Ukraine is in the middle between point A and point B in the oil and gas trade. A huge mega-project (Nordstream 2) has been built just to skip that "problem", but a corridor between RF and "Transnistria" would allow a route right into the norther Balkans area, with the chance to get strategic dominance of the area as well. Needless to say that cutting Ukraine from the sea would give a 100% leverage to RF over the Ukrainian economy apart of the side advantage of having more frost free ports.

I believe that US & UK have been very keen in not letting this happen. The resources used to protect Odessa allowed for the sinking of the Moskva (which I personally believe had plenty of US support in the operation that is NOT being as prolific in the east).

- I think that the US has a mixed interest. They can certainly supply "attack" capabilities. The moment that HIMARS were supplied, many advanced munition and weapons depots "mysteriously" exploded. And that is without the 300 km specialist munition yet being supplied. This is the US solution to not shooting into RF territory but also deplete the front of shelling and fuel supplies.

Anyway, many angles in this war. Not everything is what it seems. I am now trying to make sense of what will happen with the nearly 2 million Ukrainians have been "moved", many presumably by force (so deported), to RF territory. Will they be used to reconstruct the flattened "new republics"? used as slave labour? We may not know in decades.

To add, nations usually take a while to assume they are no longer an Empire, it usually takes an event that evidences this situation. With the Romans, it was the fall of the Capital, with Byzantium it was the siege of Byzantium (Constantinople, Istanbul), with Spain the loss of Cuba and Philippines, the UK has not realised it yet  Grin ... Wil this failed war with Ukraine the point in history in which the RF starts to figure out their new place in the world?

the reason for this war is capitalism

those russians that tried to declare autonomy wanted to found and own and run their own central bank for that they had to undermine the ukrainian state,
it is pretty much the same they did like what the ukrainian baltic and eastern european oligarchs did to the russians.

the eastern europeans want to declare independence from russia but don't allow russians to declare independence from them,

because if the oprthodox russians would do that they would be not able to afford the alliance with the liberal usa. because the west will simply drain them of their labour and no labour would come to them from russia thats why they are screwed. they are the nazis that pretend to fight nazis

I recommend that you look into one more issue - these are the features of the language Smiley
Russian is a nationality. It's like a Korean, a Finn, a Spaniard.

And those who live on the territory of Russia are "inhabitants of Russia".

In English, these two words are identical: and they are written like this "russian", and in the Slavic languages ​​\u200b\u200b(to which Russia is trying to attribute itself so much) it is written differently "pyccкий" (nationality) and "poccиянин" (belonging to Russian citizenship). I'm sure, even without knowing the Slavic languages ​​- you will notice a noticeable difference in spelling

And yet - these words also seem consonant. And in English, they are also written the same way. These are the words "Rus" and "Russia".

The problem is that the historical Slavic Rus (spelled Rus) has nothing in common with Russia (spelled Russia)! They are consonant as sweet and shit Smiley This is the Moscow ulus, in the 17th century they decided to ascribe an element of Slavism to themselves, and try to pass themselves off as true Rus.

Why am I talking about this? Because the war against Ukraine (and earlier - against Moldova, Georgia, ...) is waged not by Russians by nationality, but by citizens of Russia. For example, I am an ethical Russian, but a citizen of Ukraine. And many ethnic Russian citizens of Ukraine are now destroying terrorists from Russia.

In order not to confuse, remember the rule (after you begin to distinguish between these two essentially different concepts, many things will become much more understandable and logical for you):
1. A person who is Russian by nationality - Russian
2. An individual who is a citizen of Russia and the bearer of the concept of the "Russian world" - rashist

Even in English is incorrect to refer to any RF citizen as "Russian" and to the RF as "Russia".

At a certain point I started changing Russia for "the RF" in my posting just because as you say "Russia", the territory, is currently part of a state "the Russian Federation". I should also get used to call the orcs "RF soldiers", as many of them are precisely not Russian as you point out.

I agree, this is Russia and even just Moscow, St Peters and others attributing to themselves the authenticity of "the Russian culture" because it is very easy to sell to the commoners that this is "Western culture" versus "Eastern Culture". It is much more difficult to convince someone to wage war speaking of gas pipes, economy, geostrategy and taxes.

I think that our way of dealing with it should precisely be clear on the economic and strategic objectives that Adolf Putin is trying to achieve, which are unrelated to Tolstoy, Dostoyevsky or borscht.

@KingScorpio states that Ukraine does not allow parts of the territory to become independent and classes these a Russians. In my view, a referendum for independence or even for a certain degree of autonomy is impossible when RF has been providing supplies and organising armed forces in the two "statelets" in Donbas. If they wanted to discuss independence, it would require a de-militarisation and a period of pacific conversations and political discussions to begin with. The invasion is not a solution.

This is the main problem of westerners. They're not a bad people and they don't want to imagine that they faced the problem the same as their granda in the past (Third Reich). It's easier to imagine that it's not about imperialism and fascism.

I meant the Russian "nation", population, or whatever it should be called (not the government or its propagandists). Is the population as a whole hopelessly totalitarian/imperialist, or just transiently brainwashed? They seemingly had the same chance to reach for freedom like everyone else in the former Soviet block in the 1990s and they managed to squander it. On the other hand, they haven't had much (or any really) non-imperialist/non-totalitarian history in the last few hundred years. Can this be fixed in a generation? Two? Three? Will it take a revolution and/or civil war to get there?

Unfortunately, they did not have the same opportunities as everyone else. They come from a totalitarian regime with extremely strong "Intelligence" Services. USSR excelled at keeping their citizens inline even mentally.

Of the pillars of democracy, one often forgotten is education While the former USSR citizens have an excellent level of education in science and, to a point, in may arts and humanities, it is not so in Politics and democracy.

If you think of it, the US, which pretty much self-refers to itself and example of freedom, will have soon a candidate for presidency who has already attempted a coup d'etat and is actually still very much supported by many rich and poor alike. In my view, this is a result of the failure of the US education system to provide sufficient understanding of what is a democracy and how it works to large masses of their citizens (among other thinks I reckon).

Do you think that anyone would be surprised is Trump wins the next US elections and then he decides that the 22nd amendment (rule of having only two mandates) does not really apply to him? Something along the line of "since I was not allowed two consecutive terms due to the stolen elections, I am going to be a candidate again" or "the nation is in such state of danger that, against my will, I need to be here until this is shorted out".

Would that be Trump at his best or not?

Activity: 2436
Merit: 1850
Crypto for the Crypto Throne!
the reason for this war is capitalism

You're wrong. This hasn't anything with capitalism and war over resources. This mostly about ideological war, "War of memes" . Russians consider ukrainians as "fake" nation so they want to correct it. The war is the result of such "correction"

Also, added new info to @culture_context post. You're welcome to read

The main ideolog of all Russian nationalists

DEG (that's how they call him) 
Activity: 3752
Merit: 1864
the reason for this war is capitalism

those russians that tried to declare autonomy wanted to found and own and run their own central bank for that they had to undermine the ukrainian state,
it is pretty much the same they did like what the ukrainian baltic and eastern european oligarchs did to the russians.

the eastern europeans want to declare independence from russia but don't allow russians to declare independence from them,

because if the oprthodox russians would do that they would be not able to afford the alliance with the liberal usa. because the west will simply drain them of their labour and no labour would come to them from russia thats why they are screwed. they are the nazis that pretend to fight nazis

I recommend that you look into one more issue - these are the features of the language Smiley
Russian is a nationality. It's like a Korean, a Finn, a Spaniard.

And those who live on the territory of Russia are "inhabitants of Russia".

In English, these two words are identical: and they are written like this "russian", and in the Slavic languages ​​\u200b\u200b(to which Russia is trying to attribute itself so much) it is written differently "pyccкий" (nationality) and "poccиянин" (belonging to Russian citizenship). I'm sure, even without knowing the Slavic languages ​​- you will notice a noticeable difference in spelling

And yet - these words also seem consonant. And in English, they are also written the same way. These are the words "Rus" and "Russia".

The problem is that the historical Slavic Rus (spelled Rus) has nothing in common with Russia (spelled Russia)! They are consonant as sweet and shit Smiley This is the Moscow ulus, in the 17th century they decided to ascribe an element of Slavism to themselves, and try to pass themselves off as true Rus.

Why am I talking about this? Because the war against Ukraine (and earlier - against Moldova, Georgia, ...) is waged not by Russians by nationality, but by citizens of Russia. For example, I am an ethical Russian, but a citizen of Ukraine. And many ethnic Russian citizens of Ukraine are now destroying terrorists from Russia.

In order not to confuse, remember the rule (after you begin to distinguish between these two essentially different concepts, many things will become much more understandable and logical for you):
1. A person who is Russian by nationality - Russian
2. An individual who is a citizen of Russia and the bearer of the concept of the "Russian world" - rashist
sr. member
Activity: 1470
Merit: 325
Activity: 2436
Merit: 1850
Crypto for the Crypto Throne!
Yeah, i know that double posting isn't cool, but some important things should be a separate message. I will sort different information under different hashtags, like "@culture_context. But this message should be separate. Please, do not include it in other posts

Russian Nervus rerum*

Many of people all around the world asking: What is the main goal of Russia in this war?

Answer: Destruction of Ukraine, it's culture and language.

But if we will try to look in higher orders? For example, Russia will break Ukraine. What will be next? Let see what russians think about it:

Translation: "If war will end in Kyiv (means: Russia will conquer Ukraine), the next war will start, again and again until we nuke some western city or they will run out of eastern europe and Asia countries"

So, the answer is pretty clear: War Without an End

This is mostly because russian consider their country as besieged by endless enemies. Western World - enemy, China - enemy, Finland - enemy, Japan - enemy and so on.

Russians like to quote words of russian emperor Alexander the Third"Russia has only two allies: the Army and the Navy."
Look at this russian meme. They quote Alexander and add to his words: "More than 100 years have passed, but nothing has changed"

So yeah, you can share it for all idiots who are talking about "peaceful talk" and all other such shit.

Also, read this twitter thread if you didn't done this yet

His most interesting (and important for westerner, for better understanding) threads which shows the main reason of this war:
1. War of memes: why Z-war won't end with peace (johhnyUA: I consider this thread as the most important in understanding about current war and russian goals. Under "russian goals" i mean not only Kremlin or just Kremlin. I mean the whole imperialistic russian nation)

"Russia aims to extirpating Ukrainian culture"

*Nervus rerum - Main Goal
Activity: 2436
Merit: 1850
Crypto for the Crypto Throne!

TL;DR: All new information will be in head of this message

Maybe one of the most widespread russian habbit is to call anyone who oppose them - nazi.

Here is a thread about that fact (if you want to know why is so):
Why russians call everyone - "nazi"

If you want to know in short, here is few screenshots:

And guys, here is an example right from this forum:

Oh... so the Ukrainians are right when they call the Orcs "tourists". Putin is still calling this a "special operation", yet he is at war. Nothing of what he says can be trusted (any enemy communication is by definition disinformation). However you can rely on facts [...]

What are the nicknames "orcs", are you a Nazi or what? And I read your last post here...

I wonder how many people in the RF really believe the crap or they are just trying hard to believe it so that they do not feel part of the scum of the Earth.

Maybe your grandfather or great-grandfather fought on the side of the Nazi troops in World War II? That would explain a lot.

Look at this. User Veleor (russian) asking @paxmao if the is a nazi, just because paxmao voices statements which is unpleasant to veleor's ears.

If you against russia or russian - you're 100 % nazi (Again, if you want to know why so - you should read the twitter thread and another thread in the OP post - War of memes: why Z-war won't end with peace)

Interesting fact:

Russian propaganda is using narratives and posters of the time of russo-japanese war. Despite the fact, that russia lost this war with humiliating results.

Despription under a picture: "In short, about russo-japaneese relationships"

Why doest it uses old posters (of the lost war, and ordinary russian knows it) and doesn't create something new, without such grim background?

Also, take a look at pinned message: "Ceгoдня ocoбeннo мнoгo тpaнcyx и вcякoй нeчиcти нa кaнaлe"
Translation: "Today there too many trans and other shit on the channel"

Russian propaganda (as a russian society) is now is ultra homophobic, rasist and antisemitic.
Here also one example:
This is the channel of russian ethno nationalist, "Бyльбa пpecтoлoв" (bulba de thrones), his last post on the channel: "Чтo и тpeбoвaлocь дoкaзaть. Bcё ( кaк я cкaзaл!

Этничecкaя eвpeйкa Фpидpиxcoн из Poccoтpyдничecтвa, вoзглaвляeмoгo этничecким eвpeeм и кoppyпциoнepoм Пpимaкoвым, oбвинилa pyccкyю жypнaлиcткy Кyкceнкoвy в paбoтe нa ЦИПcO.


Чтo интepecнo, инopoдкa Фpидpиxcoн oбвинилa пoлyчившyю paнeниe нa пepeдoвoй Кyкceнкoвy в фeйкoвoм Opдeнe Myжecтвa. Eвpeи тaм yжe cчитaют, чтo и opдeнa в PФ выдaёт ЦИПcO?


Bидитe, кaк eвpeи и чeчeнцы cкooпepиpoвaлиcь? Чeчeнцы oтпycкaют yкpaинoк и вытacкивaют cвoиx зa cчёт жизнeй нeoбмeняныx pyccкиx плeнныx, a eвpeи пpикpывaют.


Xoдят cлyxи, чтo вo вpeмeнa paбoты в Изpaилe Пpимaкoв имeл oчeнь плoтныe кoнтaкты c eвpeйcкoй paзвeдкoй AMAH.."

The main idea of the post that jews together with the chechens allow ukrainian paramedic "Taira" to be exchanged for some chechen soldier. Look how author pays attention to the nationality (ethnic jews) of Primakov jr (Head of the Rossotrudnichestvo) and russian progandaist Nadana Friedrichson. And later accuses jews in "killing russian soldiers and blackmailing ethnic russian journalists"
His post Bulba ends with the conspiracy that Primakov jr is recruited by Israel intelligence.

Another interesting pattern of russian logic:

ecть тaкoe пoнятиe кaк cyдьбa. тaк вoт кaк бы вы нe кpyтили poccия вaшa cyдьбa. этo кaк мeкcикa для aмepики =никyдa нe pыпнeтcя
вoзмoжнo вce cкopo измeнитьcя и вы caми coглacитecь пpиcoeдинитьcя

"Russia is your fate the same as Mexico's fate is to be with USA".  

Russian are obsessed with the idea to be "Big White People". They're trying to be the same as colonial superpowers (Britain Empire or USA) in 19th centrury.

This is the ideal of any russian "philosopher"

(black natives from this picture is of course ukrainians, kazakhs, central asia citizens, finns and so on)

Here is it one quote
"Кoгдa бeлыe, цивилизoвaнныe люди гpaбят, oни вceгдa избeгaют излишниx жepтв и жecтoкocти. " (
Translation: "When white, civilized people plunder, they always try to minimize number of victims and violence"

Do you feel the vibe? "The White Man's Burden" is the Bible for russian society (it doesn't matter are you stalinist-tankie or right nazionalist-patriot).

So, because of that, they (russians) often try to justify their actions "because USA do the same". It's not only about "whataboutism", mean "trying to turn focus to opponents problems".

Honestly, russians do not mind about USA/China/Britain/France would do something bad (like invasion of Iraq). They just want to do the same to their neighboors.

If someone interested, I can find you A LOT of such examples, I'm lazy so I can't collect a lot of examples of such logic from russian thinkers. You can check Egor Kholmogorov and Galkovsky (the last one is in fact the man who created all russian mythology, even putin quota him)

The main ideolog of all Russian nationalists

DEG (that's how they call him)

Dmirtry Eugenievich Galkovsky

In one of my posts I've mentioned interesting word:
You're wrong here. Despite the fact that noone had seen any "nato general" through captive on Azovstal, russian in general still believe in existence of such generals.

The reason why they don't see them for russian is easy: "Our NOVIOPS already exchanged generals behind our backs"

NOVIOP (нoвиoп). Do you know what Does it mean? I doubt about it. But, this one of the most important words in russian discourse.

Noviop - "new people's population", means a human that hasn't nationality and doesn't want to obtain. Some kind of "internationalist" but with a bad connotation. For any man who consider himself as a "russian nationalist" this one of the worst insults. Like "Cuckold" within alt-rights in USA. Noviop is natural enemy to any russian, because noviop wants ti turn russian into ukrainian, belarus, pomor or any other "fake nation/ethnicity". And one important moment, unlike "cuckold" which is just means a guy who allow to fuck his wife to anyone, noviop can be only from former russians. Westerner can't be "noviop".

Look at this guy (russian nationalist). He calls "noviops" all those who he's doesn't like :

Even russian liberals and left-winged using this word, but with ironic context (some kind of self-irony): This guy calls himself "Steppe Noviop":

CRYPTOCOLONY (Кpиптoкoлoния)
Another important word. This, in fact, any country except USA and UK (which is bitter enemy, in world of Galkovsky), Third Reich (until it was destroyed) and Russian Empire (until 1917). Following to Galkovsky, even USSR was a cryptocolony of UK (to fight USA). And now such "cryptocolony" of UK is CHINA Smiley

ULTRAVOLYAPUK (yльтpaвoляпюк)
Means "fake language" created to derussify russians. Great example - ukrainian (yeah, many russian nationalists consider ukrainian as "fake language" )

It's only few terms of the "World of Galkovsky", but you can't even imagine how much this guy influence all russian discourse.

Here also important thread from Kamil about Galkovsky and his Theory of Everything:
The Magic Worlds of Dmitry Galkovsky
Activity: 2436
Merit: 1850
Crypto for the Crypto Throne!
Meme to the last thread (from Sergej Sumlenny) that I've found on internet:

Meanwhile, russian isekai:

The last one is my favourite.

Ofc, it looks very funny, but in reality (as we see it now) it was a symptom that russian society is ill with ideas of revanchism.

(nazi soldier from Third Reich with russian soldier from future, nice)
Activity: 3654
Merit: 8909
This is the main problem of westerners. They're not a bad people and they don't want to imagine that they faced the problem the same as their granda in the past (Third Reich). It's easier to imagine that it's not about imperialism and fascism.

I meant the Russian "nation", population, or whatever it should be called (not the government or its propagandists). Is the population as a whole hopelessly totalitarian/imperialist, or just transiently brainwashed? They seemingly had the same chance to reach for freedom like everyone else in the former Soviet block in the 1990s and they managed to squander it. On the other hand, they haven't had much (or any really) non-imperialist/non-totalitarian history in the last few hundred years. Can this be fixed in a generation? Two? Three? Will it take a revolution and/or civil war to get there?
Activity: 2436
Merit: 1850
Crypto for the Crypto Throne!
I haven't closely followed Russian politics for the last 20-25 years but being somewhat familiar with the late-Soviet period I find that (oversimplified of course):

1) Russians are stuck in Brezhnev's lying-and-thieving totalitarian mindset of a failed state that pretends to be a "superpower", while most of the rest of the USSR, including Ukraine, has moved on.
2) The West has completely forgotten (or never even understood it properly) how irrational and erratic Russian dictators are, and expect some sort of predictable response to sanctions etc. Never going to happen.

Man, you're a little wrong. Let me show you where.
From todays Putin talk on Saint Petersburg economic forum:

"Peшeниe cпeцoпepaции нa Дoнбacce былo вынyждeнным и нeoбxoдимым, ocнoвaнным нa пpaвe cyвepeннoгo гocyдapcтвa Poccии oтcтaивaть cвoю бeзoпacнocть, пpaвo нa cвoбoднoe paзвитиe", — Пyтин (

Let me translate bold text: "Our decision (johhnyUA: to start a war) was based on the right of sovereign state to protect it's security"

This is not a talk of 20th century, no. This is typical way of thinking of politician from 19th century, when a war was a right to any sovereign state. In 19th (and earlier) century any sovereign country could declare wars at its own will.

So yeah, you're half right. Russia is, in fact, fused between some soviet era details and russian empire.

I'd like to believe that Russia as a country can fix itself like most post-Soviet shitholes did, and it isn't really all about imperialism and totalitarianism, but the more the war goes on the more I think that I'm probably wrong about that.

This is the main problem of westerners. They're not a bad people and they don't want to imagine that they faced the problem the same as their granda in the past (Third Reich). It's easier to imagine that it's not about imperialism and fascism.

Anyway, I advice you to look into those threads. And in the future i will try to translate few posts from main russian propagandists. Their talk is full of hate to ukrainians. The main take is "we need to resolve ukrainian question". They saying it's directly, in the same manner. And the most funny moment (and also really frightening) that they now that this is allusion to what nazi propaganda told about jews. But they are fine with that.

So yeah, or we fall under russian pressure, or we destroy it (regime and country as it is for now), with further reorganization of russian society. Like it was done with germans (and you can see results now. Germany is normal federative country)

From todays Putin talk on Saint Petersburg economic forum:

"Peшeниe cпeцoпepaции нa Дoнбacce былo вынyждeнным и нeoбxoдимым, ocнoвaнным нa пpaвe cyвepeннoгo гocyдapcтвa Poccии oтcтaивaть cвoю бeзoпacнocть, пpaвo нa cвoбoднoe paзвитиe", — Пyтин (

Let me translate bold text: "Our decision (johhnyUA: to start a war) was based on the right of sovereign state to protect it's security"

This is not a talk of 20th century, no. This is typical way of thinking of politician from 19th century, when a war was a right to any sovereign state. In 19th (and earlier) century any sovereign country could declare wars at its own will.

I will separate this take, i have a lot of proofs for this, not only todays putin talk. Much more. It's not about putin's or some propagandist point of view, no. This is about all russian society.
Activity: 3654
Merit: 8909
I haven't closely followed Russian politics for the last 20-25 years but being somewhat familiar with the late-Soviet period I find that (oversimplified of course):

1) Russians are stuck in Brezhnev's lying-and-thieving totalitarian mindset of a failed state that pretends to be a "superpower", while most of the rest of the USSR, including Ukraine, has moved on.
2) The West has completely forgotten (or never even understood it properly) how irrational and erratic Russian dictators are, and expect some sort of predictable response to sanctions etc. Never going to happen.

Of course there are many more moving parts here, like the massive Russian troll farms that got Western conspiratards hooked on a tasty diet of clickbait and now use them to spread Putin's agenda. Even on this forum you can see the same people peddling e.g. US election conspiracies and anti-Ukraine propaganda.

I'd like to believe that Russia as a country can fix itself like most post-Soviet shitholes did, and it isn't really all about imperialism and totalitarianism, but the more the war goes on the more I think that I'm probably wrong about that.
Activity: 2436
Merit: 1850
Crypto for the Crypto Throne!

Russian regions creating it's own military squads. Where they accept only locals. And look into the names of such squads - "«Bяткa», «Пapмa», «Aлгa», «Tимep», бaтaльoн имeни Шaймypaтoвa.". This all local mythology and history. Not Moscow or empire (in that case such squads would be named after empire heroes, like "Cyвopoв" or "Epмaк" )

Russia already has one succesfull case of local army - Chechnya. And as you know, Chechnya ultra independent compared to other regions.

"Chechnya is a vassal kingdom of Kadyrov in personal union with Russia. It's not an integral part of Russia and its troops are not  part of Russian army.Chechen conscript don't go to Russian army, they go to its "Chechen regiments" which are led by and personally loyal to Kadyrov"

Such things will bring an end to the russian empire. Local rules gets more power and authority if they have their own armed forces.

LPR and DPR was at frist such kingdoms too, with a lot of warlords handling their own armies. Russian didn't have direct control over them. So, one by one, russians assasinated all of this warlords and established FSB control over territory.

Few longreads about Chechnya (this is enough interesting to read):

- Kadyrov's kingdom

- TikTok warlord

- The place of Chechnya within the Russian regime
"TL;DR Russia is extremely centralised  which makes it fragile. It needs an informal and largely independent face to make the regime more robust. That's why Kadyrov is the last line of Putin's defence"
Activity: 2436
Merit: 1850
Crypto for the Crypto Throne!
I've found that many westerners is really out of context about reasons of this war and other things related to slav/russian/ukrainian culture. So, they trying to explain things in a wrong way.

Look at this video:
Author trying to tell us that the main reason of War is the "fight over resources". This is of course total bullshit.

Russia has the biggestamount of resources in the world. It would never start a full scale war  with danger of getting into high sanction pressure (i need to remind you that for russians, and even dwarf putin it was not obvious, would the West implement strong sanctions or not) just because of "resouces".

So I will create this topic so that any people from other countries could better understand the main background, causes and goals of russian invasion to Ukraine.

If i will find some interesting thread or some cultural pattern not obvious to you, i will share it here and translate if necessary (because a huge amount of interesting staff are in russian only). Maybe it will look a little "out of context", but anyway, it's worth it.

List of good authors i recommend to you (and who are deeply in slav culture by themselves) (i will expand it soon)

The First One is: Kamil Galeev. Writting in english, a lot of interesting longreads, native tatar from Tatarstan (region in russia).

His most interesting (and important for westerner, for better understanding) threads which shows the main reason of this war:
1. War of memes: why Z-war won't end with peace (johhnyUA: I consider this thread as the most important in understanding about current war and russian goals. Under "russian goals" i mean not only Kremlin or just Kremlin. I mean the whole imperialistic russian nation)

"Russia aims to extirpating Ukrainian culture"

2. What's happening in Russia? (johhnyUA: thread about sentiment in russian society about war in Ukraine. As author says "To put it simply, it's going full fascist")

3. Why East Ukraine fights so hard?

4. How popular is Z-war in Russia?

4. The place of Chechnya within the Russian regime (johhnyUA: this is also ultra interesting thread)
"Russia is extremely centralised  which makes it fragile. It needs an informal and largely independent face to make the regime more robust. That's why Kadyrov is the last line of Putin's defence"

And some useful threads about russian military (johhnyUA: aspects which were totally ignored by western experts):

1) Russian armz and russian goals (johhnyUA: because of low morale troops it's artillery based with a lot of useless and harful staff)
"Every time Putin needed to confirm his alpha status he would devastate some little country with a Special Operation. They didn't require proper preparation because they bore no existential risk to Russia or to him. Like, the fuck they're gonna do? No risk = no need to bother"

2) Why russian army is so bad (a little more about reasons why Kremlin don't want to create high morale army with famous generals).
"Let's go a bit deeper in history. When Bolsheviks took power in 1917 they were constantly comparing themselves with English and French revolutionaries. As they new well, both English and French revolutions ended with military usurpations done by victorious revolutionary generals.... That probably explains why the victorious Red Army had so many commanders killed under mysterious circumstances. According to official narrative - by the enemy fire, but suspectedly - by assassins shooting at their back from the close range. Like Schors"

3) Why Russian army is so weak?
"Notwithstanding with its warlike image, boosted by massive PR campaign, Russian military have nearly zero experience of fighting conventional wars against other regular armies. They were quite successful in suppressing civilian riots ofc, in Hungary 1956, Czechoslovakia 1968, etc"
"That's their mode of thinking. Killing Nemtsov is a special operation. Invasion of Ukraine is a special operation. Sounds dumb isn't it? Actually it makes sense. Russian regime is regime of cosplayers: state security agents who pretend to be soldiers and desire the military glory. State security playing soldiers launched a Special Operation and accidentally got into a real war. They're scared."

4) World War Z and Russian minorities

"Russian minorities are wildly overrepresented on Ukrainian battlefields as cannon fodder. In return for their blood they are awarded with forced assimilation and loss autonomy. Many question their support of Z"

5) Why Russia is losing this war?

"The failure of many analysts to correctly predict the course of Z-war resulted from three factors. First, they greatly overestimated (or rather misunderstood) the Russian-Soviet army. Second, they underestimated the Ukrainian one. Third, they ignored the Russian political goals"

The Second One: Sergej Sumlenny. Also writting in english so it will be easy to read him

Interesting threads:
1. How russia prepared it's own people for a big war through weird literature

"Let's start a long thread about how Russian book market prepared Russians for a full-scale war against Ukraine, NATO, the West, and promoted stalinism and nazism, and how this was ignored by the West. Keep seat belts fasten, you will see a lot of nasty things here."

Local rule: Topic is self moderated. Well known trolls or insane guys who are not allowed to write here: BADecker,
This list can be extended in the future.
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