1. Simple explanation
1.the Sender wants to send 100 DO to the Receiver with DeepSend
2.the Sender puts in a transaction for 100 DO to be send to the Receiver
3.200 DO from the Sender's wallet is put into escrow and the network picks a random Mixer and Guarantor
4.the Mixer sends 100 DO to the Receiver as a 'mixed transaction' (to obtain privacy) and posts back the results
5.the Sender confirms the actions of the Mixer; the 100 DO still held in escrow will go back to the Sener
6.transaction complete
•sending with DeepSend is optional
•sending with DeepSend will bear a fee
•sending with DeepSend requires the Sender to hold 2x [payment amount] + fee in his wallet
•the fee will be shared by the Mixer and the Guarantor
•the Guarantor's role is to decide if the Mixer and the Sender do not agree