I might agree here, in some way. Let's just say, freedom and private property are legal and ethical axioms of anarcho-capitalist theory. I don't see how we can reject those axioms without creating something totally nasty and uncompelling (that's, admittedly, personal feelings, not logic). These concepts are foundational to most modern ethical systems - don't kill, don't steal, that kind of thing. If somebody manages to create an elegant social and ethical theory that doesn't have any of these axioms, I might be converted. So far, I haven't seen any, so I am a fanboy of anarcho-capitalist theory. Doesn't mean I will always be, of course.
As for ethics, I've yet to be compelled by any particular school of ethics.
We need to make clear what we are discussing here.
1. Ethics & social structure. I haven't seen any arguments from you so far. Do you have any? What kind of society would you like to live in? What do you think is right and wrong? What kind of society would be objectively better, based on some criteria like income per household, unemployment, violence - any indicator that comes to your mind, actually?
2. Fanboyism. Sorry, I find the term offensive, so I'd rather not go that route.
3. Your feelings. That might be interesting to discuss, but we need to understand what we are doing. We need to understand that we are not arguing for / against any social structure, we are not discussing people here on the forum, we are just discussing your feelings towards those you call "fanboys".