A Country That Supports treating it's people like dogs or worse. They have polluted, contaminated, And are consuming every known natural resource in their country and Forcefully expanding their Bullshit in International waters Claiming they own it.
The country Enslaves it's own people forcing them to Work for Slave wages. It has NO Human Rights. It is expanding it's over population to Rape the planet of every living thing it can consume within reach.
It's Building New islands Claiming they own everything so they May Rape the Environment even Further. They have Dominated their GDP with Human Rights Violations and Slavery. They are slowly Sacrificing their Peoples health and their Countries Health for Military Dominance over the world.
Countries like Russia and the U.S. are Blind to see that the Mighty Tiger will soon Be the Dominant Super power that the U.S.,Russia and the rest of the World will NOT be able to control. When Will it stop?
Soon Every Nation on the planet might Bow down and claim their Obedience to China.
Keep Buying the Chinese Crap....And soon you will only see the Chinese Flag above your capital Buildings.
While Not Every Single Muslim is Bad the Majority Are i would say 99% Are filthy Rat Bastards. At a Population of about 3 Billion that would be like 30 Million Decent Muslims in the World.
Muslims have proven time and time again in recent years they are NOT the Peaceful Religion.
They Promote Murder Torture and Barbaric Human Rights Violations.
While The Extremists Promote Killing and Stoning of people like Gays,Adulterers,Women Going to school,Women Showing their faces,Women Driving,Dancing Among other things Most of the world takes for granted.
This Backwards Illogical thinking and way of life has set Muslims Back on the Evolutionary Clock about 2,000 Years.
Their Religion is absolutely Barbaric when most Religions have Dropped the same Philosophies. They are Stuck in a Time when People thought the world was Flat.
I don't think there is a Single good thing i can say about Muslims or their Religion.........Not a Single thing. Can you? Can you name a Single Good thing about this Religion or way of life?
I'm sure the Christian Comments are coming so let me just say this. While Christians may have adapted the Same views Early on as Muslims did They have not enforced those views such as the Barbaric Filthy Muslims have in Recent times.
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