Got to LOL at the same two AUR bag holders that keep selling their coins and buying them back up to fake the volume. The liquidity of AUR is so minuscule that even buying and selling 20-100 coins swings the price pretty far in either direction. Here's a clue for the ones trying to fake the public out, switch up the sell and buy amounts. There's a distinct pattern over and over ROFL
Anyone else see this?
Yes. It's the only way for them to move the price since the con is to have all of the pre-mined and publicly UNAVAILABLE coins get peg to the minuscule amount of coins traded. It's a good con until it isn't.
Spaincoin is next.
Auroracoin is the most noble, honest, ambitious, and worthwhile coin that any greedy crypto inventor would die to conceive. Time will prove all Auroracoin haters wrong as a nation of molested, abused, over taxed, frozen citizens rise up and take what all along was rightfully theirs..... their human dignity!
In time we will not call him Baldur Friggjar Óðinsson, we will call him Baldur The Slayer of Iniquity!
Please share what you're smoking with the rest of us.
Let's make a deal: We both return here on April 25, 2014 and one of us will apologize for being wrong about Auroracoin.
Just playing with you, I do like the name Baldur though
Well done sir. You had me going there. LoL