Railai has 2 Telegram addresses that were reported as used by scammers. Both can be found in his post history:
@Vasilockal: https://t.me/s/nuevoestafascuentas
After getting exposed as a scammer using the first telegram, he switched to the second one.
He's also trying to go around selling things that are free:
Worst of all, he is claiming to have donated $1k to a dying man without offering any sort of evidence of his contribution. Yet he applied for a BTC loan of about $60 less than a week later:
Loan Amount: 0.008
Purpose: fast payment to someone (i'm not home)
Collateral: none
Repayment date: 16th, latest 17th of april
Repayment Amount: 0.009 (hope its enough)
Funding Address: 36FfpACUMMGkne8cyX1VCSRhvjnymfxPF5
I can't sign a message from my stacked address, not at home.
Sorry railai, but I have to decline your request.
According to him, he even contacted their family!
Railai, you had no business doing that, and you have no business here on the forum.
Fuck off, lowlife.