Someone linked this to me because my username was mentioned, so I guess since I'm here I'll try to shed some light on the matter before you get an official response. Daniel is not in the business of reversing tips or transactions. I have been scammed out of tens of bitcoins, and if tips could be reversed, I'd be retired. You absolutely need someone's consent before taking money out of their account.
That said, there are probably some extraordinary/edge-case scenarios where a casino operator might be inclined to reverse a tip. For example, let's say the tip is a very small amount (5 or 10 USD, like in the case I remember), the account that was tipped was an obvious typo (one letter off the intended recipient) and the account had not been accessed for, say, 5 years. These three factors in conjunction would definitely make the tip worthy of a reversal if I were the casino operator.
Intentionally tipping an account (whether it was you or a hacker) and a recent account at that is a different matter entirely. Just my 2 sats