only *maybe more guys dumping them.
merged mining is never a good answer !
what you have hear is what a currency is all about.
the misconception that you need to create some excitement is silly nonsense.. it's a fucking currency for crying out loud LOL
Is it broken ? No ? well leave it alone then.. merged mining is only going to meddle with things that are not broken.
the problem is it's a currency that works and is one of 1,000 ..and THAT is your big problem buddy
You should be grateful it has the value it does.. it's over priced as it is when JPC is at 10 and IFC is at 300 roughly (should be the other way around)
You paid too much for your coins is not a good reason for the dev to rush into a flurry of activity hahahha
Invest more wisely next time maybe and no devs don't have to do anything.. if the CURRENCY works as a currency their job is DONE .
IF YOU after that want to hype it up to artificially inflate it's value so you can profit off it then go hard.. but that is your problem NOT Techshare's.
Why do you all demand that each of these shitty scam coins make you rich ?
I think your forgetting what they are for.. a CURRENCY !
Is the currency system / code broken ? ?
then what are you bitching about ?
People like you and all the rest of you are a cancer to Crypto.. your here for no other reason than to drain money from others.
And you prove this by treating open source digital currencies as digital stocks with sole intention of making much lambo's
Sorry but we need real supporters and real investors.. not people who want to fuck with a working currency so they can make money off it !
And I was in on IFC looong before 90% of you were too waaaaaay back ..i had shit loads too and i got rid of them lol
I also warned everyone when it would tank hard and die and no one listened and ya'll argued with me and i was right 1,000% ..yet again
Last year when fisheater was still running and it and before the big block halving i argued that and guys like TECHSHARE actually had the nerve to say to me
word for word.. "it is NOT possible for the price to go down" did LOL
a few thousand percent and losses all around and all the IFC Zombies that flooded chat box's all over fighting me as i warned them went silent
to this very day lol
ya i AM the smart one and hell yeah i will say i told you so
Jeez those "IFC Troll Box Zombies" were bloody irritating.. they would not shut up for one second about IFC the moon.. arise chikun every 0.5 seconds
get smart or get broke guys lol
Fuck off asshole