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Bitbean Bitcointalk Thread
Sorry to see the massive selloff. It is an interesting project/coin. But it was too cutesy for me and perhaps others. Money is normally considered serious business by adults the one's that usually have the most concern for it.
I strongly recommend you look into Intensecoin http://intensecoin.com a project that is only four months old and yet has a lot of potential for a breakout in 2018. Intensecoin is a CryptoNote based coin and so has a lot of the privacy features of Monero, (uses Bytecoin 2.0 code) such as untraceable, unlinkable, and totally anonymous transactions; but because it also uses more of the up to date Bytecoin code is also very fast with lower fees. Intense also uses a hybrid POW/POS. The POS features an innovative secure VPN tunnel on the blockchain.
The VPN is built into the wallet creates secure endpoints for others and leaving your wallet open you have the option of selling secure VPN services, and charging whatever you wish. Commercial VPN's charge upwards to $100 and when push comes to shove they will share your info with LEO's.
This coin is price is around 50 sats ($0.007) and right now can only be bought at https://stocks.exchange/trade/ITNS/BTC
But major exchanges are in the works for 2018.
Check out the whitepaper and roadmap at http://intensecoin.com
Cutesy is to be family friendly and get children interested in crypto to create generational wealth since this coin is in it for the long run, unlike whatever that is you are shilling for to get some airdrop bounty.