Just not sure what you would do with a 5.1a 2v output.
I think the bottom line here is that you have 5.1V and 2A , so 10.2W to play with. Not sure what the Pi takes but let's assume 500mA so 1.5A / 7.5W left for the Miner. So that should be good for running the stick at about 250MHz or if you want to run for longer then clock it down to 100MHz where I guess it takes about 4W.
Which brings us to what I think will be a bigger issue, what happens when the battery runs down? Left to it's own devices at some point either the Pi or the Miner will stop, if the Sun's out the battery will begin to charge and after a while there will be enough power available and everything will start again. However as you will likely be consuming more power than charge it will stop quite soon.
So ideally you will need something else (Running on the Pi?) to take control and wait for the battery to get a good charge before starting the Miner? A simpler strategy might be to charge the battery during the Day & mine at Night?