Well, the use of irony to mock or convey contempt is utilized in order to make a clear statement about a classified group of society. my critique on the actions of would be the members is taken with high sincerity. now that those events have transpired, I am forced to confront the fact that I previously maintained a pre-convinced notion as to how they would develop and that this conception was, in fact, fallacious as evidenced by their unravelling in a manner which ran completely askew from my predictions. through electrical pulses in the encephalon located inside the cranium which you possess, concede a vision about a certain topic which is recommended not to be in any way equal to another living being one so that it become disparate, more specifically unique.
Wow, we got a badass over here, I just think different and just saw that difference in my mind.
It's just a meme bro calm down "the increasing verbose" try reading those and about the evolution shit, I can't think a better title I need suggestions though.