Did you know that Excc coins can be STAKED as well as mined?
Yes, you can get more Excc for your Excc!
Staking is buying tickets and when the ticket gets voted you get your stake(ticket price) + MORE Excc-coins.
The basics on how to stake can be found here:
https://excc.co/start-staking-and-mining-using-our-new-desktop-wallet-exilibrium/This is something I wrote to bring some clarity to questions that folks have about the ticket price and it's fluctuations:
"Ticket price stays the same (in Excc) for a buying window of 144 blocks.
In every block max 20 new tickets can be purchased.
So, 2880 tickets total.
After every 144 blocks , the price of the ticket gets revaluated and changes according to how many tickets
there are total in the ticket/votingpool.
48,633 (118.73% of target 40,960) notice the TARGET!
So generally one can say that the ticket price rises when there are OVER! 100% of the TARGET amount on 40960 tickets in the pool.
And the price of a ticket goes lower when there are UNDER! 100% tickets of the target amount available for voting.
The price of the ticket dropped recently to about 30 Excc/ticket. This was because tickets were not being bought
and the TICKET POOL was getting as low as 80% of the target amount. As the price was low some smart individuals : )
bought blocksfull of tickets, replenishing the ticket pool. The price of a ticket can rise only a certain amount after 144 blocks, so the price rose very gently
and blocks were full of bought tickets.
Now that there are 118% of the TARGET POOL, for the price of a ticket to begin to get lower it will need the ticketpool to diminish.
5 tickets(usually 5, might be 3 or 4..) are VOTED every block and those come out of the Ticket pool.
The TICKET VOTING system combined with MINING (gpu's) SECURE Excc blockchain making it robust and beautiful."
Great post, as I think that is something most overlook, or dont understand
Understanding the Proof-Of-Stake System
Stakeholders will be required to secure a ticket for eligibility to participate in the stake mining process.
Tickets can be secured by locking an amount of EXCC. With these tickets, stakeholders can cast a single vote per ticket.
After voting, the ticket delivers a reward in addition to the original value of the Ticket Price.
Tickets for the voting process are randomly selected and the duration of this voting exercise can last anywhere
from 1 to 71 days (14 days average), however, there is a 0.5% probability that the tickets can become invalid
before selection for a vote.
Upon expiration, the original Ticket Price is refunded without a reward. For each
mined block, there must be five votes; if the votes fall below five, a deduction will be made from the miner’s
reward as a penalty. The mined blocks are permitted to have as many as 20 new ticket purchases. It takes 256
blocks for a new ticket to mature before it can be added to the Ticket Pool and eligible to be selected during
the voting process.
Some crucial variables that one should know while staking include the following: • For every 144 blocks (approximately 6 hours) the algorithm for the stake difficulty runs a calculation
to generate a new Ticket Price to maintain the Ticket Pool size so the target size of 40,960 tickets will
not be exceeded. In this instance, the 144-block window is called the Stake Difference Window Size.
• For every single 144-block window, users wishing to stake their EXCC coins are mandated to pay
the Ticket Price/Stake Difficulty price.
• The Ticket Pool refers to the overall number of the tickets available on the EXCC network.
• The Ticket Fee refers to the rate that is mandatorily added to the ticket purchases as an incentive
to encourage Proof-of-Work miners to add the ticket to a new block. The Ticket Fee is usually represented
as the EXCC/kB fee rate per ticket purchase. This means that for transactions of higher values, the user will
pay a higher fee. For example, the purchases made for solo staking tickets are valued at about 300 Bytes;
this indicates that a Ticket Fee will require 0.1 EXCC to be spent only when the ticket is added to a block.
• At lower Ticket Prices for a single Ticket Window, users can witness the formation of a market,
where multiple stakeholders will attempt to buy tickets before the window closes. However, if the
Ticket Price is not very low and the deal seems profitable, the default rate - Ticket Fee of 0.001 EXCC/kB
will be sufficient to be added to a block. If a ticket is selected for a vote, the wallet with the voting rights 16
must be online to cast a vote or the ticket will be recorded as a miss, and the user will not be rewarded for
that ticket. The stakepools offer a solution for users who cannot be online 24/7 to vote.
• The stakepools are used by the stakeholders to carry out transactions for ticket purchases that provide
stakepool voting rights for a user’s tickets. Voting can be done on the user’s behalf for a small fee (usually
less than 7%) paid for participation. This fee is charged to enable the maintenance of the three servers being
hosted to run the stakepool. Known as the Pool Fee, it is charged for the minimal PoS reward.
The Lifecycle of a Ticket
It is quite easy to buy tickets for the PoS. After purchase, the ticket on the mainnet (there are multiple para
meters for test net) will pass through different stages during its lifetime.
1. After purchasing a ticket through Exilibrium or the exccwallet, the individual transaction charge
for each purchase is expected to be Ticket Price + Ticket Fee.
2. The purchased ticket is added to the Mempool where it will be kept until it is mined by PoW miners.
A maximum of 20 new tickets are mined into the different blocks.
3. Blocks with a higher Ticket Fee for transactions are used for the high priority tickets. It should be noted that
the Ticket Fee is valued at EXCC per KB for each transaction. Some transaction sizes such as the solo ticket
purchase are 298 bytes, while others such as pool ticket purchases are 539 bytes.
4. A - This is for tickets mined into a block; it assumes the state of an immature ticket for 256 blocks
(approximately 10 hours). The immature tickets are not eligible for voting, and at this stage, the
ticket fee cannot be refunded.
B - In the case where the users’ ticket is not mined, Ticket Price and Ticket Fee
are refunded to the account used for purchase.
5. At maturity (256 blocks), the ticket is added to the Ticket Pool where it can be used for voting.
6. The possibility of a ticket being selected for voting is dependent on a Poisson distribution, which
is done in an average of 14 days after which the ticket stands a 50% chance of being voted.
7. Regarding the size of the target pool (40960 tickets), randomly, the tickets have a 99.5% chance of voting
within a period of 71 days (approximately 2.3 months). It is expected that the ticket will be invalidated
if it is not voted within this time frame. Subsequently, a refund of the Ticket Price will be made.
8. In a situation where a ticket is unresponsive or when two valid blocks exist close to each other,
it may miss the call to vote. If this happens, the user will receive a refund valued at the original Ticket Price.
9. If a ticket is voted or missed/invalidated, the funds (price of a ticket and the subsidy,
(excluding the fee) attain a maturity status for the next 256 blocks before it is released. In the case of
missed/invalidated tickets, the transaction will be revoked, and the locked ticket asset is released.
Please Note: Only missed tickets can be submitted for a revocation, users are not permitted to
proceed with the revocation of a ticket until it has been recorded as missed.