With that price that you are offering the site for sale, you are actually planting a lot of seeds of doubt into the readers of this post. There must be many things wrong for a site much more a cryptocurrency exchange in nature to be offered as low as $75. Maybe you can also tell that this is still a work in progress and other details that can help make your offer more attractive and more pleasing to swallow. Please forgive me for this kind of statement but if you are listening to the many comments here I think you can learn a thing or two.
With the $75 tag price, going into that route can be a big hassle and can even cost more than what the owner can be getting from the sale. I think if anyone is willing to buy then at total transfer of control can be done without necessarily using a lawyer. Do you think a smart contract can help in this case?
You just made me laugh but I think there is some truth to what you said. Why would it take them months and years to come up with an exchange that is working nice and using a lot of funds at that is something that can really boggles the mind! Maybe they should be hiring OP then to produce the platform they promised to their "investors" and supporters.