Now back to reality, Planned Parenthood also receives $50 to $60 million dollars a year under Title X grants, which is far different than Medicaid reimbursements. Speaking of Medicaid reimbursements, The Hyde Amendment only restricts federal funds for being directly used for abortions. States are still using taxpayer dollars to fund abortions under Medicaid. Furthermore, the federal funds, tho restricted from being used directly for abortions also frees up money that is indirectly used for abortions or to advocate for abortion for example in the form of payroll, facilities, lobbying, and campaign contributions.
Yeah. I basically already said all this. Although I think they get closer to $100 mil for title X.
Actually, I think barring anyone receiving federal funds from contributing to campaigns or lobbying would be great for this country.
That's a fair argument. This would result in a lot less money going towards campaign donations and reduce taxes overall. But it would also increase government spending and lower the quality/value of things they spend their money on since their market would be reduced.
For example, the NRA would probably just turn down offers to train law enforcement so they could continue to spend money on campaigns and lobbying. So the government would have to find someone else that, I assume, wouldn't provide the same quality and/or price.
It would also be very complicated and difficult to enforce. If a small business owner wants to make a campaign donation, whose responsibility would it be to make sure that no government employee claims any of their sales on an expense report?
Regarding PopoJeff, why is this a ridiculous argument? A refutation without substantiation is a very low form of debate. People object to taxpayer funds being used to subsidize people's bad life choices, and rightfully so. How is this argument flawed?
I get that their "Federal Funding" is mostly Medicaid. But it's still taxpayer money used to correct an issue that so bribe created themselves.
Oh, you can't afford birth control pills? Then don't screw. Make him pull out. Or take it in the butt.
Gee, how'd you get that STD?
Not my problem.
Taking away access to birth control for women on medicaid would result in more unwanted pregnancies. Even if you teach them "Then don't screw. Make him pull out. Or take it in the butt." This has been proven over history.
Unwanted pregnancies make it exponentially harder to get out of poverty and a child born into poverty is much more likely to live their life in poverty, contribute less to society, pay less taxes, commit more crimes, etc. It's a vicious cycle.
I really did not want to continue going down this road, and wanted to get back in track with the original topic..... but some things in your post I just cant ignore.
First. Please tell me where You're going with this 'NRA training law enforcement' thing. I cant wait for this one. I am law enforcement, range instructor, and armorer. Just waiting to see how the NRA, who doesnt use tax payer money is equated to PP.
Next one that piques my interest every time I hear it...."restricting access to birth control". I beg your pardon kind sir. Access is not restricted at all. Access is still available. The "access' would just not be funded by those who work for a living and actually contribute to society. They can still buy pills, condoms, and learn alternate methods. Of course I was being a raunchy smart ass when I said pull-out, swallow ,etc... but those are free methods, as is abstinence. The local church does not charge a fee to teach abstinence. Poverty has nothing to do with this at all.
Most of the left's argument skirt the big picture by using buzz words like you use on specific issues.
The Left loves to make everyone a victim.... unless we can tax the ever living hell out of the workers.
Those who actually pay taxes and contribute to society are sick and tired of seeing their hard earned dollars go to waste, being abused and squandered by those who manipulate the system, rely on hand-outs, or are just unmotivated to work.
These are the people who vote for Trump. Employment is at an all time high, for every racial section of US society. This is the mindset of "teach a man to fish". I have no problem helping someone out. I love to teach people how to correct their issues and their lives. But no one likes being used for their money.