It is impossible to match the sign of the y-values of all public keys.
However, it is possible to align the signs of the public keys generated by the program I provided.
I am just continuing my research.
import ecdsa
import binascii
# Define the range
def generate_random_values():
a = random.randint(2**134, 2**135)
am = 10**37
b = a - am
# Set pma and pmb: both values must have the same sign
sign = random.choice([1, -1]) # Set as positive or negative
pma = sign * a
pmb = sign * b
return a, b, am, pma, pmb
# Define the order N of the secp256k1 curve
# Function to generate public key from private key
def generate_public_key(private_key_int):
# Convert the private key to 32-byte format
private_key_bytes = abs(private_key_int).to_bytes(32, byteorder="big", signed=True)
# Generate elliptic curve public key (secp256k1)
sk = ecdsa.SigningKey.from_string(private_key_bytes, curve=ecdsa.SECP256k1)
vk = sk.verifying_key
# Create uncompressed public key format
public_key_bytes_uncompressed = b"\x04" + vk.to_string()
# Determine the prefix of the compressed public key based on the sign of the private key
if private_key_int < 0:
public_key_bytes_compressed = (
b"\x03" + vk.to_string()[:32] if vk.to_string()[-1] % 2 == 0 else b"\x02" + vk.to_string()[:32]
public_key_bytes_compressed = (
b"\x02" + vk.to_string()[:32] if vk.to_string()[-1] % 2 == 0 else b"\x03" + vk.to_string()[:32]
# Convert the public key to a hexadecimal string
public_key_uncompressed = binascii.hexlify(public_key_bytes_uncompressed).decode()
public_key_compressed = binascii.hexlify(public_key_bytes_compressed).decode()
return public_key_uncompressed, public_key_compressed
# Adjust private key representation
def adjust_private_key(private_key_int):
if private_key_int < 0:
adjusted_key = N + private_key_int
return f"0x{adjusted_key:064x}"
return str(private_key_int)
# Generate and output results 10 times
all_public_keys = [] # List to store public keys
for i in range(1, 31):
print(f"\n=== Random Output {i} ===")
a, b, am, pma, pmb = generate_random_values()
public_key_a_uncompressed, public_key_a_compressed = generate_public_key(pma)
public_key_b_uncompressed, public_key_b_compressed = generate_public_key(pmb)
print("a:", a)
print("b:", b)
print("am:", am)
print("pma (Private Key a):", adjust_private_key(pma))
print("pmb (Private Key b):", adjust_private_key(pmb))
print("public_key_a (Compressed Public Key a):", public_key_a_compressed)
print("public_key_b (Compressed Public Key b):", public_key_b_compressed)
# Store public keys
all_public_keys.append((public_key_a_compressed, public_key_b_compressed))
# Add sign of pma and pmb
sign_a = "+" if pma > 0 else "-"
sign_b = "+" if pmb > 0 else "-"
print("Sign of pma:", sign_a)
print("Sign of pmb:", sign_b)
# Additional public key output
print("What has been printed above is what you have, and if you provide only what is printed now, I can match positive and negative signs.")
print("\nAdditional public key output:")
for i, (pub_a, pub_b) in enumerate(all_public_keys, start=1):
print(f"\n=== Random Output {i} ===")
print("public_key_a (Compressed Public Key a):", pub_a)
print("public_key_b (Compressed Public Key b):", pub_b)
If my friends give me 30 problems, I can submit the answers for the signs of pma (Sign of pma:) within 30 minutes. You can easily test me.