Accept it. Christopher Columbus was a genocide perpetrator, who killed millions of people in the "New World". He started one of the worst genocidal campaigns in the history of the humankind, which wiped out 99% of the Native Americans in a few decades time. There is nothing noble about Christopher Columbus. He was pure evil, and he doesn't deserve any statues.
he cleared out a bunch of heathen cannibals to make way for real civilisation, let's not judge the men of 500 years ago by marxist post 1950s everyone is equal standards
Enslave them to build the country then get rid of them when they complain about the way they are treated.
everybody else's ancestors were slaves at some time in their history, nobody but african americans still complains about it in the 21st century and blames it for their problems
It isn't only about money. It's treating them the same way as everyone else. Not arresting them more because they are black. Or making it harder to get jobs when they have qualifications.
things are harder for them because of their higher crime rates and lower iqs. plenty of other minorities with different skin colours have no problem getting along in america because they are not thugs and retards.