I wanted a easy way to manage all my mining rigs in different locations at once without the need for remote desktop connection.
At first i used Anubis and some bash scripts i wrote myself but it was missing a lot of features i wanted to have and maintaining that setup was very time consuming. Then i switched to Windows 8.1, CGWatcher and Teamviewer but it was also very time consuming to login to every mining rig just to update the cgminer config files and check the temperatures. I wanted more automatisation and centralization.
So i began developing my own solution based on Windows 8.1 (custom image), sgminer 4.0, IRC Bot & teamviewer as backup.
I controll all my mining rigs trought IRC. They all connect to a specific chatroom and only listen to my commands.
Right now i'm in the process to rewrite the IRC Bot and i thought why not make it available to the public.
I've already designed a GUI for the inital setup (IRC Server, Channel, Nickname, Workername etc...) and a readable config file.
The bots are able to display their hashrate, gpu temps, update the cgminer.conf file from a webserver of your choice and many other things.
As an example i'll explain what the updatecgminer command currently does:
1. stop the running cgminer (sgminer) and CGWatcher.
2. delete the installed cgminer and CGWatcher
3. download the latest cgminer.zip (i'll provide the latest versions of both with the client) containing SGminer and CGWatcher from a Webserver configured in the .ini file.
4. unzip cgminer and CGWatcher and create a Startup entry for CGWatcher
5. download the latest cgminer.conf for this worker from the webserver you configured.
6. start CGWatcher
7. check if cgminer and CGWatcher are running and report back to the IRC Channel / Owner nick
With this command i can update sgminer in my zipfile to the latest version, upload it to my webserver and all my rigs will update to this version with just one command.
Another example is the current output of the help command (not rewriten yet, very much alpha):
[11:09] ---------------------------------------------------------------
[11:09] General Commands: |
[11:09] _syscheck check if everything is ok |
[11:09] _time tell the system time |
[11:09] _updatemc update mission control client |
[11:09] _lock lock screen |
[11:09] _restartircclient restart irc client |
[11:09] _reboot reboot |
[11:09] GPU Miner: |
[11:09] _hashrate display hashrate |
[11:09] _minetime display miner uptime |
[11:09] _cgconfupdate update cgminer config |
[11:09] _startminer start cgminer |
[11:09] _closeminer close cgminer |
[11:09] _startwatcher start cgwatcher |
[11:09] _closewatcher close cgwatcher |
[11:09] _disablewatcher disable cgwatcher autostart |
[11:09] _enablewatcher enable cgwatcher autostart |
[11:09] _updatecgminer update cgminer |
[11:10] _downloadamd12x8 download 12.8 amd drivers |
[11:10] _downloadamd13x12 download 13.12 amd driver |
[11:10] ---------------------------------------------------------------
[11:10] CPU Miner: |
[11:10] _startxpm start cpu miner |
[11:10] _setproclimit1 set cpu miner proc limit 1 |
[11:10] _setproclimit2 set cpu miner proc limit 2 |
[11:10] _setproclimit3 set cpu miner proc limit 3 |
[11:10] _setproclimit4 set cpu miner proc limit 4 |
[11:10] _setproclimit8 set cpu miner proc limit 8 |
[11:10] _installxpm install cpu miner with default settings |
[11:10] ---------------------------------------------------------------
As you can see there is also support for cpu mining but this will not make it into the first public beta versions.
I only do scrypt mining but all of this will work with anything cgminer is able to use. You will need to replace sgminer with cgminer to mine SHA256 coins. I plan to do this for donations only and i will not release the sourcecode at this time.
Is there demand for a system like this? If so, I'm looking for some beta testers trough the next days until the release of a public beta.