SMART DEVELOPMENTtelegram bots - 800 usd +
code contract audit - 600+ usd
ethereum smart contract erc20 - 125 usd
ethereum smart contract erc20 extended - 250 usd
ethereum special smart contract - 500+ usd
ethereum lottery smart contract - 1200+ usd
ethereum ICO contract - 600usd
ethereum contract with devidents - 750+ usd
etherum bouty contract - 350+ usd
website for fundrising (eth, btc, etc..) - 1800 usd
website with etherum interface - 1000+ usd
decentralized exchange (website) - 3600 usd
centralized exchange (website) - 7000 usd + 2999 usd+/m support
exchange on plazma protocol - 15000 usd + 2999 usd+/m support
telegram: @pironmind /