
Topic: Development of the market and eSports in P2E games (Read 68 times)

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Nowadays, the P2E game genre is actively developing in the metaverse, bringing to the market more and more new users and various publishers.And you can consider a couple of questions in this niche.

Will there be tournaments in this sub-genre of games?

At the moment, there has not been a single tournament for P2E games yet, because this subgenre began to gain popularity just two years ago actively. But different publishers and companies are already gathering to develop the genre of P2E games. Cybersport also did not stand aside, and the Ignite Tournaments company makes it possible to organize tournaments with payments to players in cryptocurrencies or NFTs.As a comprehensive infrastructure provider, providing organizers, live streaming, real-time chat, online voting, game guild management, sponsorship prizes, automatic match review, and more. According to the Ignite Tournaments team itself, this platform is aimed at eliminating the shortcomings of the existing infrastructure, such as lack of compatibility with mobile devices, excessive centralization, lack of transparency, and payout delays. In this regard, the Ignite Tournaments team has made its platform for tournaments in the genre of the P2E game. Based on blockchain technology, Bridge Champ is the first platform to play online bridge, allowing players to play against each other in a relaxed or competitive way without any geographic restrictions. This platform supports a network environment and a user-friendly interface where everyone can learn and practice their skills, play for fun and even participate in and hold tournaments or competitions.

Who benefits from developing the gaming industry and eSports in this subgenre?

According to the latest news, we can say that the P2E games market is very profitable for publishers, and it makes sense for them to develop this niche in the future. Here are some prime examples: Dappradar's Q1 2022 industry report highlights that V.C.s and business angels are investing billions of US dollars in a wide range of P2E-based projects and infrastructure development. Compared to 4 billion USD invested in P2E games in 2021, in the first quarter of 2022, investors have already invested more than 2.5 billion USD. This month California-based foundation a16z (Andreessen Horowitz) launched GAME FUND ONE, a 600 million USD fund dedicated to developing the future of the P2E gaming industry. Silks Metaverse, a platform concept introduced by NFT production. Through this metaverse, the client can experience Thoroughbred racing in a virtual setting. The game has already raised over 2 million USD from V.C.s and investors alone and plans to raise another 55 million USD in the next few months.


Summing up, we can say that the P2E games market will continue to develop activities and will not stop in the future. What platforms do you know where you can hold tournaments in P2E games? Which venture are publishers developing P2E games? How do you see esports in P2E games? P.S. I will appreciate every opinion of connoisseurs of P2E games.
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