I am developing a framework for development of Altcoin in Go.
https://github.com/coin-networkI have been able to understand the basics of the elliptical curve to generate the public and private key and convert it to Bitcoin address format.
But I do not quite understand that it should be variable to set up a new unique address for an Altcoin.
My address.go program now has the following terminal output.
$ go run address.go
Private Key
Public Key
New Address
But the idea is to know what parameters I should send to my program, to generate different addresses or groups of public and private keys.
Here I saw something ... and they mention the BIPs 32, 38, 39, 44, ...
https://github.com/libbitcoin/libbitcoin/wiki/Altcoin-Version-MappingsI can not understand that it is version_p2pkh, version_p2sh, version_hd_secret, Segwit, or referred to with a "multiple keypair chains, derived from a single root"
My native language is Spanish, and it is not easy for me to understand BIPs in English.