
Topic: Diablo 3 & WoW Billions Gold and More (Read 1001 times)

Activity: 71
Merit: 10
May 31, 2013, 02:12:54 PM
Daily Bump
Activity: 71
Merit: 10
May 30, 2013, 03:54:20 PM
Forgot to mention. IF you want to buy a single item off of me Im open to it. Make me an offer. Ill sell the gold, tomes, weapons, or armor one at a time or whatever.

If an item sells I will lower my hidden reserve for the full account to be fair to bidders.
Activity: 71
Merit: 10
May 30, 2013, 03:51:37 PM
Im selling my account darksun#1395.

The In-Game stats unbuffed are a little higher that Diablo Progress lists, but whatever.

D3 account has

Level 60 Barb
-Ice Climbers
-Good Scorn
-Good EH
-Good 300th Spear
-100k DPS In-Game unbuffed
-120k HP In-Game unbuffed
-2 Million EHP In-Game Unbuffed
--Over 1 billion gold
--Over 2 billion gold in Tomes of Sercrets  (Its what I traded)
--700+ Resist all
--All gems radiant Star
--Full stash of rares/legendaries

Level 30ish Monk/DH

Both have
-Crazy gear with radiant stars in helm and weapon
-Smears content,  Boss kills in seconds

WoW account has....

-71 Priest
-59 Death Knight
-83 Shaman
-82 Death Knight
-74 Warrior
-Know I had a 87 Monk but not showing up in Transfer Page.  No game time left to check ingame.

-No clue on gold but I know I had a good bit, on top of that I traded enchant mats, so no telling how much in that and in bank.

Buyer will get the email to this account, all security question answers, original game purchase code is in the email.

This is my account and mine only. Has my personal name on it.

Buyer will also get my personal number incase you ever have any problems I can call blizz for you.

I was a multiboxer, so I have 5 accounts for sale, All similar to this one. So I'm willing to bundle. Ill put the link in here when I create the other for sale.

My D3 account is worth billions. The mempo and Iceclimbers I have are great. It is a great toon. Ranked in world for a lot of categories. RMAH worth is probably 700 dollars or more for the gold, items, and weapons I have.

Reason Im selling is because im going to quit multiboxing and do a single hardcore character and I quit wow almost a year ago.

Good buy. Games alone would cost $100 plus.

I will take LTC, BTC, USD.

I have a hidden reserve for this but its very reasonable.

Auction goes till June 2nd at 5:00 PM EST (USA)  May be extended if hidden reserve is not met.

I will do escrow or if you are an old member / trusted member Ill just go first. I'm for real.

PM me if you want to bundle.

Edit....  I see that Diablo Progress doesn't have a piece or two updated like my bracers.  That is why I was seeing a difference.
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