Bets won - 43232
Total wager - 1.57503137
Total profit - 0.01856892
Win Chance - 59.9907%
and whose are those stats? yours?
Watch this guy on betterbets he has new tactics I haven't seen before.
I can't see anything special he plays also on Sharp Dice and Quantum and some more but his stats all in all don't look special either.
how about the OP stats why is he not updating anymore?
Well i guess so but the dude is climbing the hall of fame like spiderman lol.
May be that is only some kind of luck. Although people said that he got some new tactic but I think all of that is just fallacy. In the end you will still beaten by house
We ended up not selling, and we miss having you around for chat, Hyipexa needs some company
Evo when our new feature launches make sure you check your account you should have a decent amount of this from the start and all your past wagering.