After the hardfork, I wanted to split my ETC and ETH since I had around 5000ETH in my mist wallet.
I heard that poloniex supports splitting so I tested with a 10 transfer from my mist wallet to Poloniex and was happy to see that I did get 10ETH and 10ETC on my wallets in Poloniex.
This was when I transferred the remaining 4990 ETH to Poloniex, but this time I did not get any of my ETC and ONLY saw my ETH balance on Poloniex add up the transferred 4990 ETH.
I have tried emailing Poloniex several times about the missing ETC but they never respond. (Sad to see how the biggest Crypto exchange has such terrible customer support)
Did I lose all my ETC?? Is there any way I can get it back?
I would appreciate any help. I hope my 4990 ETC did not just disappear in thin air