Ok im a bit of a noob when it comes to this sort of stuff.
Please tell me what to do, as long as I keep my address I dont care.... its driving me nuts lol
#1 rule in tech support, think before you follow someones advice. Sadly recently more and more people post advice to get paid for their posts and not because they want to help someone.
What your wallet is telling you is that it has no idea how many bitcoins you actually have. This can happen if you have private keys in different wallets. You said "i Imported several keys into my windows wallet" which I assume is the wallet that is now causing problems.
I assume further that your client is fully synced. If not, let it sync first. That might solve the issue without you doing anything but wait.
If its synced and you still have the problem you can launch bitcoin core with -zapwallettxes . This will cause the client to remove all transactions from the wallet and start rebuilding the information from the first block. This will take several hours as the client has to rescan the full blockchain.
In order to launch bitcoin core in this way, hit Win+R to open the "run" dialog, enter the full path (adjust from the below if needed), append the command and click ok.
Thanks, what you have suggested I did and all is fine now
Its much appreciated that people like you and cr1776 help others like me !