I have a difference of around 10% less reported on Ethermine dashboard as compared to values provided by miningpoolsprofit.com and whattomine.com for the same Ethash.
I guess 10% difference is too high and something is wrong either with Ethermine or miningpoolsprofit/whattomine.
Do anyone experience similar difference?
You also have to analyze what miner are you using... NBMiner / T-Rex / Gminer inflating hash, so your real hash will be from 3%-2% less in these miners... Think in not using unhonest miners like these ones... We will need to avoid the they lie us.
Yes that is another area to consider. I've used to frequent the Claymore ETH miner thread. And from time to time there was some individual who would question Claymore's displayed speed on his miner. They said that its not accurate, saying that it was off by like 1% or so.
Apparently they had a large farm and tested different software and found that Claymore's miner was the same speed or even slower than other miner software out at the time. It was never proven however and Claymore never admitted. We all just assumed it was variance.
You can have a look to that test of 1Millions shares... All Miner inflated, except one... It is really a painfull that we have this dishonest miners :-(