Last blocks were found on November 1st, 6th, and 15.
Given I have 8 threads mining at about 1.1 khash/sec ~ 9 khash, I should find a block every
2^32 * .64 / 9,000 seconds =
305,000 seconds =
3.5 days
Given the above calculation, how likely is 14 days without a block?
I would say (1-1/(0.64*2^32))^(9000*86400*14), or about 2%. Not very improbable.
Quite improbable in my book. I'm mining using the old "optimized" miner that was released with Litecoin, and the latest Litecoin client (the one that enforces a minimum transaction fee). I wonder if there's something wrong with the setup. It's possible I haven't mined a block since upgrading the Litecoin client.