This topic has been discussed with several people who agree that it's worth exploring further in a group environment.
I have always felt that the concept of the Digitalcoin Foundation is sound, but on occasion I have questioned the implementation. As a group we have had good times and bad, but there is no question that many good things have come about as a result of the efforts both collectively and individually.
Recently there have been some major changes within the Digitalcoin community, and from my perspective these changes have not been good in terms of productivity and relationships, therefore I feel it's time to regroup and reconsider the opportunities and possibilities that brought us all together in the first place.
I personally have no desire to be "the leader" and despite the opinions of others I never have. On the other hand I do very much wish to be an integral part of a solid organization that can withstand adversity and outlive individual members. An organization where the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.
"But we tried 'the foundation' and it didn't work out so well. Why would things be any different now?"
This is the question, and through several conversations I'm convinced that the question is worth further discussion. I have many ideas, and others may have much better ideas. I for one am very open to determining if and how we can make an organization - by any name - that can have a positive impact on Digitalcoin code developers, business developers, and the community of users.
The purpose of this thread is not to have this discussion, but to determine who would like to participate in the discussion. This is not a topic that should be hashed out in public, nor should it be restricted to certain individuals, therefore the discussion is open to any individual who expresses the desire to be a part of it.
Please let me know, through a post on this thread, PM, email, or whatever, if you want to participate in this discussion. Please do this quickly because once the discussion begins it will be closed to additional participants until some decisions are reached. The discussion will be held on a private forum and every effort will be made to conduct it in a professional, constructive manner.
I look forward to hearing from you.
You mean you want to build a foundation about digital coin like bitcoin foundation is it right? I really want to build it i really support...