Hello people, We are Anonymous Team. On 24 November 2015 We found a New exploit in Blockchain Android App allows you to force anyone to give you their bitcoins!
This is black market exploit discovered in Blockchain android app and still not closed. Hurry up and make use of it before they fix it.
This method allows you to force anyone to give you bitcoins via your android phone.
First you need to download the official Blockchain android app from their website.
Install it like usual on your phone. After that open it and open your wallet from the computer at the same time.
When you open the app on your phone it will show you the method to login to your wallet on android. Just follow the instructions like on these images (These instructions must be done on your Computer not phone):
(If you already have Blockchain android app on your phone skip to Step 5)
Step 1:
Step 2:
Step 3:
Step 4:
After you click "Show/Hide Pairing Code" you scan the code with Blockchain app and they will ask you about entering new PIN code. Enter any PIN code you want and make sure you remember it.
Now you will be logged in to your wallet on your phone. Click on the icon on the top-right like this:
Step 5:
It will open scanner again. Scan this image that contains the exploit:
Now click Send to send the request of payment from the victim, and go to any address you want to steal from like this image:
Again open scanner from the app and scan the victim QR code image and here you should receive $100 from the victim immediately! Repeat these steps to get $100 each time!
We are Anonymous. We are Legion.
We do not forgive.
We do not forget.
Expect us.
Let me explain what happens here.
Step 1-4 are totally valid. Nothing scammy there.
But from step 5, it gets interesting.
The part where they ask you to scan their QR-code "that contains the exploit"
Let's see what exploit this QR code contains: https://zxing.org/w/decode?u=http%3A%2F%2Fi.imgur.com%2F8yLm9fm.png
So, an address and an amount of bitcoin is their exploit? Thats strange, isn't it.
Whats the next step?
Hm, I wonder what happens, if I give my wallet an address, and amount and the comand to send bitcoin...
Rest of the tutorial is just blaberabla.
And that is what happens when you do what they want you to do.
Not the link is the problem (it might also be, idk, didnt check it),
since as you see, they didnt even include it in the second message i recieved.
The "trick" happens when you scan the QR code and click the send-button.
You were all so afraid of links, you just forgot to check the QR-code.