Discord is one of the most used channels of crypto projects, besides the forum, Twitter, and Telegram. Scammers, definitely, do not ignore those channels to spread their fake messages, contacts to scam people around.
To be safe in Discord channels of crypto projects, you should remember to carefully check those things:
- User's unique user ID (multi-digit ID number)
- User's color
User's unique user IDEach user in Discord has only one fixed ID, and it can not be changed.
Scammers can changed their usernames to as same as which developer that scammer want to be. It is very easy.
They only have to do three simple steps to get fake username:
1. Click on User setting
2. Click on Edit button
3. Type to change username
You should notice to differentiate between user IDs and unique user IDs (or also called as multi-digit ID number)
With this user in Crypto Bridge Discord group, user ID in that group is
What I should do to get this user's unique user ID?
Let's follow these steps:
User Settings > Apperance > Developer Mode (turn it to ON)
How to Enable Developer mode on Mobile app?
Obtaining User's ID on Mobile app
Now, let's apply this Developer Mode to check unique user ID of Scott Wehman#6261.
Right click on the username of Scott Wehman > Click on Copy ID
Paste ID copied to see what it is
Yeah, as you can see: Scott Wehman has user ID in Crypto Bridge Discord group is #6261, but has an unique user ID is #409926710658596865.
Read more here:
https://support.discordapp.com/hc/en-us/articles/206346498-Where-can-I-find-my-User-Server-Message-ID-User's colorScammers can change their usernames, but they can not change their colors, which show roles of users in Discord channels. For each project, developers will asign different colors for different types of users: from admins, moderators, community managers, bots, and normal users.
Users that have important roles, such as admins, moderators, community managers, for example, usually have special colors, that are easily to recognize.
Scammers are normal users, so they mostly will be displayed with white color. Sometimes, project teams might assign different colors to different ranks of users in their Discord channels. So, in such cases (that are rarely seen), you should notice on users that have different colors than admins, moderators, community managers.
In the above image, developers also noted about IDs and colors of their teams.
When you get issues, then try asking for help/support; plesase remember:
- Be careful with anyone who makes contacts with intention to help. They are mostly scammers.
- Always check their users' unique IDs (multi-digit ID numbers)
- Always check their users' colors
- Compare their unique user IDs, colors with admins, moderators, etc whom have same usernames.
- You will mostly find important announcements from developers on their user IDs, and hyerarchy of colors in pinned messages.
- If you detetct Discord scammers, and actually receive their PMs, and don't delete their PMs, you will see that weeks or months later, their username will be displayed as
"Deleted user" - when they change their usernames again!
Developers can be scammers too. They can create new accounts, that play as normal users, to scam people in their communities. This can occur with scam projects, because the main purposes of developers is to scam investors, so it is not strange if they create new accounts to act as scammers in their communities, while their main accounts (play as developers) still look like innocent.
Scam with fake link to steal your Discord Token IDOne more type of scam in Discord is invite people to a scam Discord channel, set up a bot for account verification but with a phishing link. It is to steal your Discord Token ID that can help hackesr to bypass Email, 2FA, Password.
I got this information from
[SCAM] Hiring Discord Moderator from @SarucSome simple steps to scam you and log in your account
1. Invite you to a scam Discord channel
2. Require you to verify with a fake bot (app). Example: MEE6 Fake (.app) domain
3. It requested "Token" to bypass your account without 2FA protection
A blog article officially from Discord
Policy & Safety: Common scams and what to look out forI strongly advice you to read the full blog article as here, I only give some main bullet points.
- Fake Games, Programs, Videos or Downloads
- Fake Giveaways/NFT Drops
- Discord Impersonation for Partner/Verified/HypeSquad
- Free Nitro Scams