opening three channels (A,B,C) and then getting C to send credit back to A ?
Low fees are needed for micro transactions and the danger is that hubs can be setup to attack the big central banks... err.. sorry
hubs without the owners (Miners really) knowing about it.
Hubs can broadcast the closing of a channel using a previous agreed signature and balance if the users wallet is off-line to steel
money as I understand it and if they do then I am sure that these types of attacks will become quite common and who can blame them.
Jaxx and Exodus wallets will also need to climb on-board and even if they do then you would need a ton of options to
compete with the hub/banks since the protocol supports quite a number of switches that will effectively give the big hubs
bankers privileges over regular users.
I am yet to be convinced that fake BTC won't end up in these ledgers as seems to be the case already with Coinbase pool accounts
and I am still waiting for my Bitcoin Gold they owe me which I won't get if this is the case like I suspect and another example suggest
that USDT is also creating money from nothing because they won't guarantee that you can convert USDT back to paper fiat $$$
See for the full story.