-snip-As it seems Iran investors have diminished their transactions by a big margin since 20180's half.As i have previous mentioned here
https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/m.53526079 it is a continuation of the network's blockage.
This may be attributed to the growing tension between the US and Iran during that time, especially the sanctions imposed by the US on Iran relating to trades and economic partnership. Add to that hot mess, the decision of the Iranian government to shutdown its internet connectivity to the outside world on November 16, so there were little to almost no trades posted concerning bitcoin at that time. Right now, the Iranian government is gradually reconnecting the internet to its constituents and the sudden influx of trades caught us off-guard when reports surface that bitcoin is being sold there at a premium price of $24,000 which, sadly, isn't confirmed nor denied by someone actually living inside Iran.
But this news comes to inform ourselves that Iran transactions have in fact cease to exist atm or at least considered
I'm pretty sure some people in there are still buying and not actually stopping from doing so. I mean, they have experienced massive bouts of inflation ever since the US sanctions came into play, so it's just obvious that they should hedge their assets somewhere, somehow, and bitcoin is the closest and easiest asset they can get without having to go through hoops just to obtain those.
The geopolitical issues and the instability on global relations surely have forced people to cling on to a new asset class that they aren't fully educated on, and that is bitcoin. While I'm quite positive on what's happening on the surface, I still don't believe that what we're gaining on bitcoin is worth it when we lose a lot of things in the process i.e. geopolitical stability and close foreign relations to each other.