The data and service offering take the form of a listing, that will broadcast the relevents metadata related with the data, information type, category, BIas factor, prices , relational KPI map, data format, schema etc.
Theses listings can be accessed via multiple UI client such as website, mobile apps and native apps (internet connected) and newly develop UI with our openSDK network client. User interact with theses UI to create new services, deploy data streams or use the sandbox tool to create backend components. All wallets associated with all user’s service are accessible from there. The authentication process is handled using smart contract signing logic and passphrase.
Key Features
- 2-way Marketplace data/algorithms SaaS economy
Advanced analytics and training tools
Governance voting system
Accessible from anywhere with our network clients
VN3T use free market competitive approach which will allow users, providers and creators to sell and at the same time buy as many other data, algorithm services in the form of multi-layered transaction and build more complex service, extract more valuable data or create entirely new services. All this ensuing the best performance regulation by the law of offer, demand and economic viability.