1KCoin, the token you don't want to sell after ICO
1KCoin is a private club of investors, with the goal of bringing friends together in a community that benefits from the experience of professional traders, but without the hassle of managing a diversified portfolio on different exchange platforms for crypto-coins, and also without the risks inherent in the lack of crypto-knowledge.
You can be part of a community that builds an ecosystem of projects, both in crypto AND in classical businesses. Experienced traders will manage the crypto-funds, but also the 1KCoin financial ecosystem will include classical projects voted by the community, and those who get the majority of votes will be funded. Monthly earnings from all projects where community money was invested will be shared back into the community as dividends.
1KCoin is a token created using the Waves platform. 1K-Team has designed a simple and transparent system
(1K-WO) for the sustainability of our project:
1. Exchange and decentralized wallet on Waves platform, each shareholder has control of their 1KCoin tokens, being able to make withdrawals and / or new purchases of their choice at any time.
2. All tokens will be put into circulation once the ICO phase has been completed.
3. It will not be possible to create new coins, in order not to alter the 1KCoin ecosystem. The supply is limited to 12 million tokens. No additional tokens will ever be issued.
4. To encourage usability, the dividends will be distributed back to community, in wallets on Waves platform having min. 100 1KCoin tokens in each trade cycle, in 1KCoin tokens previously purchased in crypto-exchanges by 1K-Team, at the current value. This practice supports supply / demand, sustainability and price growth.
2. For REFERRAL: - 10% for referrals
It is simple: register on
https://www.1kcoin.io/ and you will receive a unique reference link, then you can invite your friends to buy tokens, you can tell them about 1KCoin project and to analyze the Whitepaper, and
you will receive 10% on each acquisition in the ICO phase through your referral link, for the amount paid.
1KCoin is a real company, with a desire to build a real ecosystem of projects. Come have a friendly chat with us in Madrid, Barcelona or meet us at our events. Bring your expertise, your knowledge and your desire for a better future and let`s build our community with transparency and dedication. Together we are stronger than on our own.
https://www.1kcoin.io/Whitepapers in English, Spanish, Romanian, Arabic, Chinese, Filipino: