I think coinotron is a good LTC Pool, but it doesn't provide JSON API to allow monitoring or logging, so I've made my own one, let's share it for you. Hope all would help.
The script is written in ruby and designed to run in cgi-bin of an web server.
The main purpose is to raise the awareness of the importance of the read only API. If the developer of coinotron released these extremely simple JSON API, this script would be useless. Thank you!
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
username = "xxxxxxxx"
password = "xxxxxxxxx"
puts "Content-type: text/text\n\n" unless ENV["HTTP_HOST"].nil?
require 'httpclient'
clnt = HTTPClient.new
r = clnt.get "https://coinotron.com/coinotron/AccountServlet?action=home"
while r.header.status_code == 302 do
r = clnt.get r.header["Location"][0]
clnt.post "https://coinotron.com/coinotron/AccountServlet?action=logon", {"name" => username, "password" => password, "Logon" => "Logon"}
html = clnt.get_content "https://coinotron.com/coinotron/AccountServlet?action=myaccount"
require 'nokogiri'
doc = Nokogiri::HTML.parse html
h = Hash.new
h["worker"] = Hash.new
ltc_cr = ltc_ucf = ltc_c = 0
doc.css("input").each do |i|
ltc_cr = i["value"].to_f if i["name"] == "CurrentRoundRewardsLTC"
ltc_ucf = i["value"].to_f if i["name"] == "UnconfirmedRewardsLTC"
ltc_c = i["value"].to_f if i["name"] == "ConfirmedRewardsLTC"
ltc_ct = ltc_cr + ltc_ucf + ltc_c
h["CurrentRoundRewardsLTC"] = ltc_cr
h["UnconfirmedRewardsLTC"] = ltc_ucf
h["ConfirmedRewardsLTC"] = ltc_c
h["TotalRewordsLTC"] = ltc_ct
doc.css("form").each do |f|
if f["action"] == "/coinotron/AccountServlet?action=changeworkercoin"
worker_name = f.xpath("input[@name=\"workername\"]").first["value"]
h["worker"][worker_name] = Hash.new if h[worker_name].nil?
coin = ""
f.css("option").each do |o|
unless o["selected"].nil?
coin = o.text ; break
h["worker"][worker_name]["coin"] = coin
if f["action"] == "/coinotron/AccountServlet?action=changeworkerrewardtype"
worker_name = f.xpath("input[@name=\"workername\"]").first["value"]
h["worker"][worker_name] = Hash.new if h[worker_name].nil?
workerrewardtype = ""
f.css("option").each do |o|
unless o["selected"].nil?
workerrewardtype = o.text ; break
h["worker"][worker_name]["workerrewardtype"] = workerrewardtype
doc.css("tr").each do |row|
ct = 0
worker_name = khash = ""
row.children.each do |c|
worker_name = c.text.strip if c.name == "td" and ct == 2
khash = c.text.strip if c.name == "td" and ct == 6
ct +=1
next if h["worker"][worker_name].nil?
h["worker"][worker_name]["khash"] = khash
#puts h
require 'json'
puts h.to_json
Then output looks like
{"CurrentRoundRewardsLTC"=>0.0, "UnconfirmedRewardsLTC"=>0.0, "ConfirmedRewardsLTC"=>2.91905758, "TotalRewordsLTC"=>2.91905758, "idler921.gpu"=>{"coin"=>"LTC", "workerrewardtype"=>"Round based pay per share", "khash"=>"152.2 KH/s"}, "idler921.cpu"=>{"coin"=>"LTC", "workerrewardtype"=>"Pay per share", "khash"=>"45.0 KH/s"}}