I don't keep running setup.
- I ran bitcoin-0.8.5-win32-setup.exe. It took a LONG time to sync, but finally finished recently. It showed no bitcoin.
- I closed the bitcoin program. In a sub-folder "walletsaved" was a wallet.dat file. I put that file in the place where the original wallet.dat file was located (found by a search of C:). I re-ran bitcoin-0.8.5-win32-setup.exe. It finished syncing in a short time. It showed no bitcoin.
I thought setup.exe was for installing the client. I apologize, I'm not too familiar with (older) bitcoin core version.
Should I download and install the latest version? If so, where is it?
did you try
'listaddressgroupings' or
'listreceivedbyaddress' yet? is it giving you any results?
installing new version might give you more problems because of the version differences too big
but if you insist, it's up there listed on forum's header there's a link to Bitcoin Core: 0.15.1