These dolphins are taken for "show" not to eat or any human need.We eat cows and pigs to survive but we can survive without seals' show.I guess you couldn't understand what subtitle says but you are right whoever translated it, he/she sucked.
That's incorrect, they actually eat those dolphins. They probably are doing that for management, just like in the US they hunt wild life for management. The difference is that they eat dolphins even if it tastes bad, just so it not goes to waste.
Another example of what is done these days:
So you know, spotting others' behavior is way easier than spotting your own behavior.
So do you also feel deeply affected about how cows and pigs are raised in farms? If yes, then will you stop eating cows and pigs?
I was just talking about this video. in video it was stated after catching dolphins good ones gets transfered to the shows rest of them gets killed but when i did some diggin' they are eating them. But there are still some resourced about "dolphin slaughter in Japan"... if this is true that is bad...
P.S: I am a vegan