The user Maple looks to be a possible scammer. Lookout guys..
He offered to sell me 2 btc and then asked me to send the moneypak code first. When I told him he either had to send first or pick an escrow, he stopped replying.
After looking at his trust he had one positive trust from a new account with 0 activity stating that he "sold him 2 btc"
In his recent posts he was also asking for a 3btc loan.
Maple is a fucking scammer!
He asked me to go onto teamviewer and show my balance... then he used some type of soft ans stole my firefox folder. smh.
Glad i know someone who can possibly damage his computer. SO do not add him on skype.. don't share anything dont click anything!
This is our chats.. well some of them.
[4:41:57 AM] Niels:[4:42:23 AM] Niels: I am going to message him if you agree with him as escrow?
[4:42:24 AM] Jarred Bacchus: he is trusted
[4:42:27 AM] Niels: ok.
[4:42:29 AM] Jarred Bacchus: and he is not online
[4:42:34 AM] Jarred Bacchus: and u have to ask
[4:42:38 AM] Niels: Iknow i will ask
[4:42:43 AM] Jarred Bacchus: because he may tell u to use dannyhamilton
[4:45:46 AM] Niels: I am messaging him this:
[4:45:47 AM] Niels: Hello DeathAndTaxes,
Can you be the escrow in a exchange i am doing with lencom.
We are doing my Perfect money in exchange for 10 Bitcoins with the Mt Gox low rate.
I will be able to pay the fees for escrowing.
Hope to get a respond fast and if you can do this add your BTC address and PM.
Kind Regards,
[4:46:47 AM] Jarred Bacchus: cool
[4:46:51 AM] Niels: agreed?
[4:46:53 AM] Jarred Bacchus: where he lives
[4:46:59 AM] Jarred Bacchus: he wont be online for some hours
[4:47:02 AM] Jarred Bacchus: yes
[4:47:41 AM] Niels: Okay i have sended him the message waiting for a respond
[4:48:02 AM] Jarred Bacchus: ok
[4:48:28 AM] Jarred Bacchus: remember rate will change
[4:49:17 AM] Niels: Yes i know thats why i said Mt Gox low.
[4:49:21 AM] Jarred Bacchus: ok
[4:49:43 AM] Niels: to bad you dont live in the netherlands haha
we might could have done a face to face
[4:49:58 AM] Jarred Bacchus: i do a lot of face to faces
[4:50:02 AM] Jarred Bacchus: lol in us though
[11:42:58 AM] Niels: Pff this escrow takes so long.. jarod cant you go first with a small amount i will send the funds instantly after i recieve.
[11:44:02 AM] Niels: We can do this small amount to test if we are both legit.
[11:44:38 AM] Jarred Bacchus: I'm not going first. I showed proofing I have funds u didnt
[11:45:14 AM] Niels: i can show proof if you want
[11:45:17 AM] Niels: thats no problem for me.
[11:45:32 AM] Jarred Bacchus: That doesn't help
[11:46:05 AM] Jarred Bacchus: Yesterday u said I would go first now today u changed ur mind???
[11:46:11 AM] Niels: Can you go 1 coin first il be sending 402$ after.
[11:46:17 AM] Niels: No i didnt change i didnt see your funds
[11:46:18 AM] Niels: over teamviewer.
[11:46:23 AM] Niels: so yeah :/
[11:46:31 AM] Niels: it was all blackscreen
[11:46:48 AM] Niels: Are you able to reshow i will go first with a small amount and we can repeat till 10 btc
[11:47:26 AM] Jarred Bacchus: Lol yup I can reshow I'll send u a screen cap agreed?
[11:47:53 AM] Niels: No you already sended 1 i need actual good proof.
[11:48:05 AM] Jarred Bacchus: Lol bro
[11:48:10 AM] Jarred Bacchus: I'm not stupid
[11:48:17 AM] Niels: Mate you can close all ttabs idc just show me the wallet.
[11:48:19 AM] Niels: -_-
[11:48:36 AM] Jarred Bacchus: Well hold on let me change the settings so u can only watch and not scroll
[11:49:38 AM] Jarred Bacchus: Is that ok?
[11:56:22 AM] Niels: ok
[11:56:28 AM] Niels: there is a button for that tho
[12:17:42 PM] Niels: Are you stillt here?
[12:21:16 PM] Jarred Bacchus: Hi yea
[12:21:21 PM] Jarred Bacchus: About to now
[12:22:44 PM] Niels: Okay there is a button i will show you it if you want where you can stop remoting.
[12:23:23 PM] Jarred Bacchus: I found it
[12:23:40 PM] Niels: okay
[12:23:50 PM] Niels:[12:23:54 PM] Niels: the mouse button btw
[12:24:05 PM] Jarred Bacchus: Huh?
[12:24:20 PM] Niels: oh nvm.
[12:24:37 PM] Niels: tv id/pass
[12:24:57 PM] Jarred Bacchus: Hold
[12:31:51 PM] Jarred Bacchus: ok
[12:33:55 PM] Jarred Bacchus: u ready
[12:34:01 PM] Niels: yes.
[12:36:39 PM] Jarred Bacchus: 259 449 615 4958
[12:36:51 PM] Jarred Bacchus: im recording btw
[12:38:09 PM] Jarred Bacchus: usee
[12:38:14 PM] Niels: pass is good?
[12:38:17 PM] Niels: sec.
[12:38:41 PM] Jarred Bacchus:
[12:38:52 PM] Niels: i cant see screen yet am i connected?
[12:38:59 PM] Jarred Bacchus: uare connected
[12:39:02 PM] Jarred Bacchus: it shows that
[12:39:24 PM] Niels: ok wait let me restart
[12:39:25 PM] Jarred Bacchus: lol
[12:39:27 PM] Jarred Bacchus: no
[12:39:31 PM] Jarred Bacchus: u did a file transfer
[12:39:43 PM] Jarred Bacchus: LOL didnt work
[12:39:53 PM] Niels: dude na a?
[12:40:01 PM] Jarred Bacchus: and i got it on scrren capture
[12:40:05 PM] Jarred Bacchus: yes u did lol
[12:40:18 PM] Jarred Bacchus: i got the video
[12:40:20 PM] Jarred Bacchus: im not stupid
[12:40:23 PM] Niels: Mate pass?
[12:40:25 PM] Niels: il reconnect.
[12:40:27 PM] Niels: i am not in file
[12:40:28 PM] Niels: transfer.
[12:40:29 PM] Niels: -_-
[12:40:29 PM] Jarred Bacchus: no u arent
[12:40:32 PM] Niels: dude
[12:40:36 PM] Jarred Bacchus: u are aliar
[12:40:37 PM] Niels: ok i reconnect takes 1 sec.
[12:40:39 PM] Jarred Bacchus: u are a thief
[12:40:41 PM] Niels: lol?
[12:40:41 PM] Jarred Bacchus: no
[12:41:01 PM] Niels: pass?
[12:41:14 PM] Jarred Bacchus: nope
[12:41:23 PM] Niels: Mate trust me 1 time?
[12:41:23 PM] Jarred Bacchus: u are a liar
[12:41:26 PM] Niels: will take less then 20 seconds
[12:41:28 PM] Niels: i am not.
[12:41:34 PM] Jarred Bacchus: i have a video on what u did
[12:41:36 PM] Niels: trust me will take fucking less then 10 seconds?
[12:41:40 PM] Niels: Bro..
[12:43:49 PM] Niels: ??
[12:43:50 PM] *** Jarred Bacchus sent IMG_14112013_124350.png IMG_14112013_124350.png ***
[12:43:53 PM] Jarred Bacchus: thats what u did
[12:43:56 PM] Jarred Bacchus: im not stupid
[12:44:02 PM] Jarred Bacchus: and good luck i changed all my info
[12:44:06 PM] Niels: ok i have a idea
[12:44:08 PM] Niels: no teamviewer.
[12:44:10 PM] Niels: il send first just send
[12:44:28 PM] Niels: a screen cap using gyazo
[12:44:30 PM] Niels: you can google it.
[12:44:45 PM] Niels: its a generates a pic on your screen.
[12:44:48 PM] Niels: it cant be edited
[12:44:48 PM] Niels: deal?
[12:44:57 PM] *** Niels sent Gyazo.exe ***
[12:45:05 PM] Jarred Bacchus: no
[12:45:09 PM] Jarred Bacchus: ill download from the net
[12:45:11 PM] Jarred Bacchus: not from u
[12:45:20 PM] Jarred Bacchus: and i can screencap
[12:45:25 PM] Jarred Bacchus: without edit
[12:45:27 PM] Jarred Bacchus: duh
[12:45:30 PM] Jarred Bacchus: let me guess
[12:45:36 PM] Jarred Bacchus: u wont take a screencap??
[12:45:42 PM] Niels: no it can be edited
[12:45:44 PM] Niels: use gyazo.
[12:45:50 PM] Jarred Bacchus: lol
[12:45:52 PM] Jarred Bacchus: see
[12:45:56 PM] Jarred Bacchus: u are a liar and thief
[12:46:01 PM] Niels: Good news!
[12:46:04 PM] Niels: i checked my mailbox
[12:46:16 PM] Niels: got a mail he can escrow:D!
[12:46:21 PM] Jarred Bacchus: who
[12:46:33 PM] Niels: DeathAndTaxes
[12:46:36 PM] Niels: want a screen cap?
[12:46:38 PM] Jarred Bacchus: lol
[12:46:44 PM] Jarred Bacchus: and im going to message him now then
[12:46:47 PM] Jarred Bacchus: n screencap
[12:46:50 PM] Jarred Bacchus: no*
[12:46:51 PM] Niels: okay
[12:46:55 PM] Niels: message him.
[12:47:00 PM] Niels: want a screen cap to?
[12:47:04 PM] Jarred Bacchus: nope
[12:47:07 PM] Niels: k
[12:47:12 PM] Jarred Bacchus: dont trust u
[12:47:16 PM] Niels: i will upload it
[12:47:17 PM] Jarred Bacchus: i know what my logs say
[12:47:17 PM] Niels: online?
[12:47:19 PM] Jarred Bacchus: nope
[12:47:30 PM] Niels: i wont send you a file you give me a host and i upload it lol?
[12:47:35 PM] Jarred Bacchus: nope
[12:47:37 PM] Jarred Bacchus: dont need it
[12:56:39 PM] Jarred Bacchus: LMAO
[12:56:41 PM] Jarred Bacchus: scammer
[12:56:51 PM] Jarred Bacchus: my friend here is a computer tech lol
[12:56:53 PM] Jarred Bacchus: u failed
and what he did to my comp.