What are your thoughts? What would an ideal bitcoin marketplace look like to you?
hi, OpenBazaar is pretty good already if you consider that it works fundamentally differently to any existing or past online marketplace. It had to be designed from scratch and the team did an amazing job so far. There is nobody 'in charge', its a truly free marketplace. Because all transactions are recorded on the blockchain, you can see the record of any seller and see what other buyers have said about their experience.
It is not designed for people who don't care about freedom and privacy. Designing yet another system that sits in between buyers and sellers would be a total waste of time anyway, that market is saturated already. Cryptocurrencies open up many new possibilities that just can't be done with the cumbersome and parasitic banker currencies, via a big impersonal corporation and those possibilities (primarily the ability to buy and sell online directly, person to person like humans have done throughout time) are what open bazaar is designed to facilitate.
I've been using it since the alpha versions in testing. Even then I was impressed by how stable it was. The latest version is even better. It's the easiest store set up I have come across; much easier than ebay, for example (though that's not difficult to achieve!).
Where OB really excels is in how easy it is to buy or sell stuff, no need to involve banks nor give a cut of the profit to anyone. You don't have to wait for the banks to pay you, the payment is direct to you.
What most people don't seem to get is that OB doesn't belong to anyone. It's a fully distributed network that anyone can use,
without having to get someone's permission first. A website could not provide that. Once the network is in use, there's nothing to stop someone creating a web interface to it, or any other kind of interface. It's open source and the possibilities are endless.
Sadly, most people don't seem to care about things like that any more. It seems most are dubious about using something that "might be associated with criminals" or something... even though no criminals will benefit from you buying a crate of wine on OB. and yet they have no problem actively supporting a scumbag like Bezos! It amazes and baffles me.
As Bruce Lee once said, “Those who are unaware they are walking in darkness will never seek the light.”
I am really happy that OB exists. It's early days yet but I'll use it and promote it as much as I can because it offers a ray of light for the future and for the preservation of freedom generally.