nodes did not need to upgrade to segwit in summer 2017!!
core made it so nodes that dont upgrade are handed a stripped block
thus nodes did not need to upgrade to give permission
again your amnesia has made you forget your admiration flop of loving the "compatibility" fix they done
core devs didnt need 9500+ nodes to go into the debug/console to RKT out opposition.
core devs had their own strategic nodes to handle it. again nodes didnt need to do anything
core even made it so pools didnt need to upgrade their nodes. all they had to do is change a version number in their block id even while running old nodes just to stay on the network
segwit 1x got activated without needing true consensus because core CODED a way to bypass true consensus for the summer 2017 event
dang your flip flop amnesia is playing you up
what YOU dont understand is bitcoins byzantine generals theory solution of consensus 2009-2015.. had slowly got eroded down. and by summer 2017 core was able to totally bypass it without users vote
what you dont understand is bitcoin lost its open diversity and multiple brands working on the same level playing field of true consensus.
devs are happy to admit as much. they are totally happy showing off their involvement. so i see no reason why you have to try insinuating they were not involved..
bitcoins revolutionary decentralised network ethos of 2009+ is not the same as bitcoins distributed core centric network of 2017+
i really think its time you either take the core defense hat off.. coz they dont need you wearing it. or you need to update your research beyond the echo's of promo material handed to you 4+years ago
EDIT to address the post below instead of spamming the topic
about the stripped blocks and downstream/bridged/filtered nodes
Also, you should be thankful. The way in which is was implemented means you're free to stay on the same chain and keep taking full advantage of the security and utility of Bitcoin. Way to keep bitching about your freedom to coexist, though. Doesn't make you sound like an entitled ingrate at all.
![Roll Eyes](
1. nodes getting stripped blocks are not getting full block data. they are also not part of the main relay stream. its why they dont get unconfirmed segwit transactions to relay. its why they dont get witness data to validate a segwit tx is valid,
its why thy dont relay blocks to other nodes (because segwit nodes would not accept a stripped block
2. they are NOT taking full advantage of the security and utility of the network because they are not fully validating the blocks they are just giving transactions a pass without independent validation and just treating is as a pass because thats how the code has been wrote. and guess who wrote the code, core..
3. suggests over 10k nodes. but do you realise that less than 7k nodes are part of the full validation/ relay stream of nodes(and i am not talking about 30%+ spv/lit nodes either, im talking about 30% of nodes that were/meant to be/have been full validation nodes.. but are not)
4. your flip flopping how the way segwit was activated was a way to have certain nodes stay on the same network even when they didnt upgrade their node to say they were able and ok with segwit. (thus hypocritically admitting 95% true consensus was not reached, but making it sound like a good thing)
but those nodes didnt get a vote in a true consensus. you dug yourself a hole.. by you trying to twist the bypass into a positive you actually admitted the negative.
think of the logic. how can 70% being full relay/validation capable and showing readiness for segwit AT MOST NOW(so lower numbers then) have contributed to a 95% agreement..
dont you get it. 30% of nodes allowed to stay but not part of the main relay stream means 30% abstain...which is not 95% agree.. and back then the numbers would have been less that 70% ready, meaning higher than 30% abstain/not agree. and if you did include the nodes that got kicked off(total objection) the number would have been even worse where there would have been more like a 50% non agreement
again not near a 95% full community agreement..
5. you also want to pretend history is different 'because core said that' (facepalm) now your sounding worse than just a echo chamber repeater.
maybe you have to realise that 'those securing the network' is not 95% of the whole community of nodes that were told they were still 'full nodes' even if they dont upgrade.
maybe you have to realise that 'those securing the network' is a much lower number then you think. as its definitely not the 10k nodes of
core messed with the 95% rule and done a few different tricks such as NYA and bip 148 and other things with strategic nodes
6. i find it funny how you try to down play the controversy of 2017 to sound like it is just me alone that was some big massive influencer/objector, decision power.. yet atleast 30-50% of the network found segwit1x controversial and not 5%
also me having an opinion on a forum is discussion. you keep saying how i pretend cor needed my permission. again as if your trying to push that i am some big player.. again your exaggerating social drama..
i am voicing my opinion on a discussion forum and also reminding people of what actually happened in regards to the 2017 controversy. you are the own trying to twist the power play around to try making core sound innocent and then double twist to make it sound like there were only a couple objectors.
my opinion, is simple. node statistics. code and even some devs willful admissions
without a full unprovoked, un wishy washy, untricked game playing, true consensus. core would not have got 95% for segwit1x activation using a real consensus mechanism in summer/autumn 2017
core would have had to have gone back to the drawing board and recode something that would have been more community acceptable.
but core didnt. instead they done their tricks and used thier strategic nodes to fake a 95% acceptance
even the segwit2x part which you were very vocal about celebrating. was not down to 10k nodes (lets say9500) all independently going in and upgrading and saying lets ban thousands of segwit2x nodes to prevent 2x activation
again it was only a few strategic nodes that done that.
7. saying core done it as a softfork.. is funny..
core actually instigated a controversial hardfork in summer 2017. to gain control of the network to then have enough control to be able to then soft/inflight upgrade the network autumn+ 2017
atleast wake up to reality.
8. and before you flip flop again. the nodes that are on the network are not on the same level playing field in regards to validation/relay. infact the number is far less than 70% are at the main relay/validation stream layer
you might want to do some research
(and im not taling light/spv either before you insinuate)