No. It makes sense. Amber is a national resource of Ukraine, and each and every Ukrainian must benefit out of it. Not just a few powerful politicians and their cronies. The government must conduct auctions on amber mining sites and they should lease out the rights to private corporations.
Because obviously the private corporations are the best at splitting wealth and redistributing it...
If they impose a 60% or 70% levy on the revenue from amber mining by these corporations, then the poor people of Ukraine are going to benefit out of it. Else, only a handful of the politicians and the goons are going to benefit.
I don't really get it...
If the government takes control of it it's bad because politicians will be corrupted...
But if there is a 70% tax on amber mining profits... Then it's ok?
That doesn't really make sense...
This is the best argument against legalization... as the ukrainian gov is too corrupt, they will ruin this business for the locals and only exploit it for their own interests. Or maybe the locals are now strong enough to fight the gov cronies.
The problem is that the syndicates that let the miners remove the trees before they grow back (
) ask for the "fees" what ever the "harvesting" results are. Taxes are paid on income... but land lease have the same problems as the "syndicate" fees.
No. It makes sense. Amber is a national resource of Ukraine, and each and every Ukrainian must benefit out of it. Not just a few powerful politicians and their cronies. The government must conduct auctions on amber mining sites and they should lease out the rights to private corporations.
Because obviously the private corporations are the best at splitting wealth and redistributing it...
Effectively! It's called shares. You can get some by your work or by paying them and you get access to earnings if they are some. I know it's a foreign concept for the believers in work for a salary...
5k$/kg not that bad. I don't see what's "barbaric" there. Very ecological in my view. And no need to restore, the trees do it by themselves!!!
The advantage of legalization is that it bring state security (no more gangs to pay for "protection" even if the mining is poor.
Anyway if you have more lucrative sources of income for the locals, they seem more than willing to work...
I think we have narrowed down 80% of world problems in this sentence xD
Yeah sure, cutting down a whole forest is ecological, and don't worry they just grow back by themselves. You got nothing to do it's just natural...
The ecosystem? The what? What's that shit? Bah don't worry it's easy the trees will grow back.
I shit your not! It's true. Forest grow back by themselves... it's the purpose of plants to seek for ground to fight for light. They are even plants growing outside on the international space station.
It's approximatively the same effect as a forest fire... only there more woods and plants are mixed with the soil during the amber extraction process.
And to the other poster i don't think amber has been irradiated from chernobyl has it's a fossil.
But then again it's fun to read a lack of understanding toward the dynamic nature of ecosystems. It's not a problem to harvest as long as it's possible for the harvested plants or animals to grow back. Which preserving the biological diversity and for animals social and cultural way of life.
Here in the case of trees, they are billions of those. It's a continentally (eurasia) endemic forests...
And again, compare it to say toxic waste disposal in forest... there it can kill life for a long time... in amber mining there is 0 source of pollution! Cut the trees (maybe sold the wood), dig, mix with water, and the amber float... the end. Ready for regrowth!