they want the comradory of belonging to a social group thats at their same low IQ but they still want to get vaxxed for their own health security
you can usually spot these people because
a. they will violently scream and cry against any sort of public listing of who has been vaxxed as they fear their cultish comrads will see their name in the list
those truly unvaxxed do not care about any public listing of vaccinated people
b. they post videos saying they got vaxxed and fake their death or fake an illness or fake being magnetic
There should be a term used for this as there is a "Transvaxxite" for people pretending to be vaxxed while not being vaccinated at all. As shown in the posts below
"Trans-un-vaxxite" could be it xD
Anyway, there is already someone who is similar to the description you mentioned, like the nurse, pretending she became magnetic after getting vaxxed, and then gets humilliated