
Topic: Documentaries: "Murder of Yugoslavia" and "Democracy of Mass Destruction" (Read 1199 times)

Activity: 2198
Merit: 1150
Just gonna point this out, made it on a quickie

As I said, this documentary should be ignored, it's filled with incorrect information, propaganda if I dare to say it.

On November 21, 1995 world news agencies reported breaking news from the United States. At a military base in Dayton, the presidents of Serbia, Croatia and the leader of the Bosnian Muslims signed an agreement on cessation of the civil war in Bosnia and Herzegovina. In accordance with it, this part of the former Yugoslavia is now divided into the Muslim-Croat Federation and Republika Srpska (Serbian Republic). An international force under NATO command is deployed there to control the borders and to support the truce - only about 60,000 people, half of whom are Americans. The Serbs, who at that time controlled almost 75% of the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina went to the serious concessions and agreed to keep only 49% of the territory. This was done for the sake of ending the civil war, which by that time virtually destroyed the former Yugoslavia.

Croatian Defence Council defended around 20% of Bosnia&Herzegovina, which would mean Muslims held only 5%  Roll Eyes Serbs made only 31% of the total population of Bosnia&Herzegovina.

In Dayton, President Clinton told reporters about the "key role" of Slobodan Milosevic in ending the civil war and call the Serbian president "guarantor of peace in the Balkans." Just a few years after these statements, Serbia will be subjected to crushing air strikes by the US and NATO, will lose Kosovo, while the "guarantor of peace" Slobodan Milosevic, will die under mysterious circumstances in a prison of the Hague Tribunal.

A country who did this complains about airstrikes?

Serbia has started an agression on 2 independent countries (+ conflicts in Slovenia),  when they started attacking a 3rd region, was the west supposed to let them kill innocent people once more?

Serbian forces entered Vukovar, lack of western action gave them the possibility to do a massacre, which they did.

After 4 years, a genocide was allowed to happen again in Srebrenica, 7000 - 10 000 innocent people were murdered only for being non-Serbs. It was bound to happen again, preventive actions with the attack on Kosovo saved thousands of Albanian lives.

Former Minister of Information of the Republic of Srpska, Miroslav Tohol, believes that the Dayton Accords were merely an intermediary for the strategic plans of the US and its allies to advance NATO eastward.

Close associate of war criminal Radovan Karadžić.

The civil war in Bosnia and Herzegovina was the most destructive military confrontation in Europe since World War II. Initially, the conflict was triggered by the unilateral decision of the Bosnian and Croatian deputies of the local parliament to secede from Yugoslavia. In doing so, they completely ignored the opinion of the Bosnian Serbs, who made up more then 31% of the population of this Yugoslav republic..

Serbian aggresion on Croatia started on 17th August 1990, while the referendum of independence was started on 19th May 1991
Almost a year later

In fact, it was hinted to the Bosnian Serbs that from now on they will have the role of a powerless minority in the new nationalist state of Bosnians and Croats. In response, Serbian communities began formation of their own government structures. European countries have tried to stop the development of the conflict by proposing a peace plan for the division of Bosnia and Herzegovina into territories, in which the governance is transferred to the ethnic majority. In the spring of 1992, the plan was approved and even signed by representatives of the three communities, but the unexpected intervention of the United States has destroyed all hopes for peace.

Powerless minority? Is the Czech, Hungarian, Polish, German minority powerless?
You mean they started a separatist movement?

No, Serbian agression on Croatia and BiH destroyed all hopes for peace, chetnik and yugoslav communist army crimes destroyed hopes for peace
The plan failed, because the Muslims withdrew their signature

The civil war in Bosnia and Herzegovina lasted for almost four years. As the result, one of the most beautiful and prosperous regions of Europe was completely destroyed and covered with blood.

Bosnia was one of the most underdeveloped parts of that ex communist country, Herzegovina is another thing, throughout the war it was held by Croatian Defense Council, there wasn't too much destruction as Serbs didn't find their way deep inside.

According to the official data, the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina took the lives of 100,000 people, according to unofficial - twice as much. Of the four and a half million inhabitants of the republic, almost three million have become refugees. The spilled rivers of blood have forever divided the lives of the two communities - Serb and Muslim-Croat.

Bosnia&Herzegovina has a population of 4 million

The bloody confrontation in Bosnia and Herzegovina was accompanied by all the horrors of the civil and religious wars - ethnic cleansing, secret concentration camps, brutal torture and mass rape. All the while, all the parties to the conflict once belonged to a single Slavic people, with a common language and culture. Separation into Catholics, Orthodox and Muslims was the result of five centuries of Ottoman rule, foreign invasions and the expansion of the Vatican City.

They never belonged to a singe slavic people. Croatia was a duchy since the 7th century, a kingdom from the 10th, a personal union since the 12th century
Serbia never held any part of Croatias modern day territory, the 2 countries didn't even border each other for most of history, since Vojvodina (border area), was never in the same country as Serbia until 1918 (fall of Austro-Hungary).
Separation into Catholics, Orthodox and Muslims was promoted by the Serbian Orthodox Church, claiming all Orthodox people are Serbian, which resulted in the assimilation of the orthodox Vlachs which the Ottomans settled in the military region.

Strange blindness and one-sidedness in the coverage of the conflict, according to Serbian analysts, was the result of an unprecedented information war that the Western countries have declared on the then Serbian leadership, because of their attempts to preserve a united Yugoslavia.

Preserve Yugoslavia by creating a Greater Serbia?
This was nothing about Yugoslavia, after Tito died, Serbs revived the plans of Great Serbia by chetnik Draža Mihailović
Serbian agression started nearly a year before any of the Ex-Yu countries declared independance
Western forces were still on the side of the chetniks&communists until war crimes&genocide started happening and they realized what was unleashed.

At the same time, the Western journalists were completely silent about the facts of participation in the war of thousands of Islamic terrorists from other countries on the side of the Bosnian units.

In addition to the information war, Western countries also declared an economic war on the Serbs. Tough sanctions were imposed on Serbia for support of the compatriots and assistance to refugees. The most defenceless categories of the population became their main victims - the elderly and children, but the international community for some reason didn't care about their fate.

Elderly and children? It has been proven that Serbs did 90+% of the war crimes in the 90s war.
Belgrade has the Yugoslav Peoples Army in their hands, while other countries such as Croatia had apsolutely no weapons (only police, and agricultural planes).
Western forces declared a weapons embargo on all ex- Yu countries, which literally gave away Croatia into the jaws of a well armed crime machine.

As a result, for the attempts to resist the destruction of Yugoslavia, the Serbs virtually ended up in the full economic, political and military blockade. The sanctions were not lifted, even when, in 1994, Milosevic had closed the border between Greater Serbia and the Republika Srpska in Bosnia, to demonstrate to the West the desire for peace. On the contrary, the pressure on Belgrade only intensified, and NATO aircraft started bombing the Bosnian Serbs.

Desire for peace by Slobodan Milošević, who started the bloody war  Roll Eyes

Despite the economic blockade and information pressure , the Bosnian Serbs have managed to defend the Republic and to turn the tide of the war imposed on them.By 1995 they controlled nearly 75% of the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina. But, on Aug. 28, 1995 at the Sarajevo Markale market, a series of unexpected and mysterious explosions occurred. 37 civilians were killed, 90 people were injured. Just two or three minutes after crews of major Western broadcasters were working at the scene, saying that it was a mortar attack. By a strange coincidence, the explosions occurred on the eve of the meeting of the representatives of the US Secretary of State with the leader of the Bosnian Muslims Izetbegovic. The US and its allies immediately laid the responsibility for the tragedy on the Serbs, and already by August 30th NATO countries launched a military operation, codenamed "Deliberate Force".

Who else would attack Sarajevo? South Korea?

Division of Republika Srpska were subjected to powerful air strikes, which affected the civilian population.

Only after the war, independent experts and criminologists from European countries suggested that the explosion at the Markale is very similar to a carefully planned provocation. Its goal was to create a plausible pretext for open intervention of the United States and its NATO allies in the civil war in the Balkans.

Similar techniques were used against Belgrade in 1999
. Then, under the pretext of protecting the Albanian population in Kosovo, NATO aircraft for 11 straight weeks destroyed the infrastructure of Serbia, not sparing even schools and hospitals. As a result of this aggression, 2,500 Serbs were killed and 12,500 were wounded. For the first time since the Second World War, the US and its European allies, by using brute force, tore away Kosovo from Serbia, and changed the borders of an independent state.

Once again, after Vukovar, Ovčara, Srebrenica, it was clear the goal of Serbian nationalists was creating an ethnically cleansed country on the border of Ottoman invasion.
They could not allow another genocide happen in Kosovo.

The forces fuelling the Balkan conflict were clearly unfamiliar with the history of this region. According to the Serbs, they were forced to take up the arms not only encouraged the new aggressive reality, but also historical memory. Foreign political strategists clearly did not take into account that people, who could defend their right to live while under a multi-century long bloody occupation and genocide, will fight to the end.

They didn't take them into account was a smart call, considering 80 000 of them couldn't defeat 2000 defenders.
A will of a nation for freedom, is unbreakable, altough Serbs had all the military power in this world, they couldn't defeat the desire to be free  Smiley

Author and Director: Aleksej Denisov.
hero member
Activity: 616
Merit: 500
I very much doubt that they are the same. After all they pretty recently got out of a state system that was about as reliable as what we see in the west in corporate media. State owned the media, in the west corporations presently own the state and the media, that seems to be the difference.
Activity: 2198
Merit: 1150

russians are not wrong.. western world manipulate media and any other resources to opress societies.. you should open your mind and look at this world differently please..

of course they are

they just don't notice their media is the same as western media

which means their media did a good brainwashing job
Activity: 2310
Merit: 1028
Oh my god  Shocked

There's so many incorrect info in here, if I start quoting them, it will take me an hour 

Completely lost interest, it seems to be a typical russian, the west is bad documentary

It kind of annoys me how the ruskies always think the western media&goverment is a tool of control (which it is), but they fail to see they're the fucking same (even worse!) Cheesy

russians are not wrong.. western world manipulate media and any other resources to opress societies.. you should open your mind and look at this world differently please..
Activity: 2464
Merit: 1145
Oh my god  Shocked

There's so many incorrect info in here, if I start quoting them, it will take me an hour 

Completely lost interest, it seems to be a typical russian, the west is bad documentary

It kind of annoys me how the ruskies always think the western media&goverment is a tool of control (which it is), but they fail to see they're the fucking same (even worse!) Cheesy

The moment of cognition would be the end of their corrupt system - that is why they have to concetrate on the west:
to show that it is much worst here ( homosexuals, refugees etc) then in the east (white power putin, no homos, christian etc.)
Activity: 2198
Merit: 1150
Oh my god  Shocked

There's so many incorrect info in here, if I start quoting them, it will take me an hour  

Completely lost interest, it seems to be a typical russian, the west is bad documentary

It kind of annoys me how the ruskies always think the western media&goverment is a tool of control (which it is), but they fail to see they're the fucking same (even worse!) Cheesy
full member
Activity: 168
Merit: 100
hero member
Activity: 616
Merit: 500
Excellent. I´ll watch this and it´s in a FB group where I am.
Activity: 1680
Merit: 1014
U.S. Cold War Nuclear Target Lists Declassified for First Time

Washington, D.C., December 22, 2015 - The SAC [Strategic Air Command] Atomic Weapons Requirements Study for 1959, produced in June 1956 and published today for the first time by the National Security Archive, provides the most comprehensive and detailed list of nuclear targets and target systems that has ever been declassified. As far as can be told, no comparable document has ever been declassified for any period of Cold War history.

The SAC study includes chilling details. According to its authors,  their target priorities and nuclear bombing tactics would expose nearby civilians and “friendly forces and people” to high levels of deadly radioactive fallout.  Moreover, the authors developed a plan for the “systematic destruction” of Soviet bloc urban-industrial targets that specifically and explicitly targeted “population” in all cities, including Beijing, Moscow, Leningrad, East Berlin, and Warsaw.  Purposefully targeting civilian populations as such directly conflicted with the international norms of the day, which prohibited attacks on people per se (as opposed to military installations with civilians nearby).

Nuclear strike targets count 1100 airfields during the first phase. Then in the second phase: 1200 cities in USSR, China and Eastern-European countries. Moscow alone had 179 designated nuclear strike targets, Leningrad: 145.

In Russian:

n the first stage of the planned American nuclear war, all Soviet and Chinese airports would have been turned into craters from powerful nuclear explosions. Among the relevant test, it is known that the detonation of a thermonuclear warhead munition with the equivalent of four megaton explosion creates a vast area of ​​devastation with diameter of almost 12 km and the heat wave is causing 3rd degree burns within a radius of 21 km. The second stage of the nuclear attack by the US assumed total ruthlessness in destroying with nuclear weapons most of the Soviet cities and key cities in China and Eastern Europe. Where US nuclear planners did not reckon with any international conventions and rules of warfare in the planning of mass destruction of civilians. It is obvious that the published document - this is the first documented evidence of the absolute cannibalistic plans for the destruction of millions of people by the American military. Previously, such plans of mass destruction of cities was known a priori. Now it has documentary evidence.

And some old news:

Jimmy Carter's Controversial Nuclear Targeting Directive PD-59 Declassified

Washington, D.C., September 14, 2012 – The National Security Archive is today posting - for the first time in its essentially complete form - one of the most controversial nuclear policy directives of the Cold War. Presidential Directive 59 (PD-59), "Nuclear Weapons Employment Policy," signed by President Jimmy Carter on 25 July 1980, aimed at giving U.S. Presidents more flexibility in planning for and executing a nuclear war, but leaks of its Top Secret contents, within weeks of its approval, gave rise to front-page stories in the New York Times and the Washington Post that stoked wide-spread fears about its implications for unchecked nuclear conflict.

PS: Those brave souls, who assisted USSR in getting a nuclear bomb in the nick of time, are heroes, who saved hundreds of millions lives! What Hitler did during WWII is child's play, compared to USA's plans...
Activity: 3752
Merit: 1217
No point to argue with brainwashed ppl which can talk only what they read in their censored media so i wont do that. Any sane person (if live in country where internet is not censored and filtered by CK) can google facts about war in Croatia and Bosnia. I just want to say if you guys approve what Serbs did here, you are same as them.

Who is brainwashed here? For my part, I believe that war crimes were committed against the civilians by all the three warring sides in Bosnia. The documentation from the United Nations validate this argument. And I don't approve any of these war crimes. But on the other hand, you don't have the courage to admit the mistakes made by your side.
hero member
Activity: 616
Merit: 500
No point to argue with brainwashed ppl which can talk only what they read in their censored media so i wont do that. Any sane person (if live in country where internet is not censored and filtered by CK) can google facts about war in Croatia and Bosnia. I just want to say if you guys approve what Serbs did here, you are same as them.
Activity: 3108
Merit: 1359
I wont even comment on that.
Oh, really? If so, then what is this?

Just realized you Russians are liars same as Serbs. Not single sentence in above post is even close to truth. Looks like Russians use same propaganda like in communism and it is just sad.
Absence of arguments combined with primitive ad hominem attack, what a surprise. Just realized that you are another "I'm right because I think so".

Good bye.
hero member
Activity: 616
Merit: 500
I wont even comment on that. Just realized you Russians are liars same as Serbs. Not single sentence in above post is even close to truth. Looks like Russians use same propaganda like in communism and it is just sad.
Activity: 1680
Merit: 1014
Serbs and Russians were always friends so i am not surprised with OP. Situation at ex Yugoslavia was bit more complicated and you guys will never fully understand it. Bottom line is, we (Croatia) were attacked by those Serb animals and we defended almost with no any real help from outside against 6th military force in world. We did not have almost any weapons or trained troops. Later, 1999 after numerous genocides Serbs have done in Croatia, Bosnia and Kosovo whole world could see who Serbs really are and they got bombed finally.

What about the Ustaše animals who butchered some 1 million unarmed civilians during the WW2 (including Serbs, Roma, and Jews), after siding with the Nazis? Were their crimes any less than those committed by the Bosnian and Kosovan Serbs? You Croats have double-crossed your fellow Christians by siding with the Muslims in Bosnia. And that is why you are getting f*cked by the Bosnian Muslims now.

IDK what happened in ww2, i was not there like you bryant. I can only tell what i saw and live through. Also, we fought Muslims at Bosnia but not against civilians and unarmed children like your friends Serbs. You Russians and Serbs only see your side of story like always.

Croato, I don't think we will agree here, but... I am not "for" Serbs or "against" Bosnians or Croatians. I view you all, Serbs, Croatians (both the same peoples, actually) and Bosnians, as victims of devious and masterful reignition of past grievances and well-timed provocations.

What I am against is the pre-designation of Serbs as the only criminals, a stance imposed to such a degree that it must not be questioned and any facts to the contrary must be ignored. Talk about seeing only "your side of the story" - the side endorsed by the masters, who ordered the destruction of Yugoslavia. It is "funny" how every time Russia or Serbia try to point out the atrocities, committed by Croatians and Bosnians, they are accused of only being interested in the Serbian side of the story, and not, as it happens, in restoration of historic justice.

I am also vehemently against your use of the "Serb animals". What you are doing, is the same what the Nazis did, designating the Slavic people as "subhuman", and thus justifying the genocide.

As I said, any civil war is a nasty business. Some manage to stand above the induced hatred, some succumb to it. Atrocities were committed on all sides, and must be investigated equally.

As for "fighting against unarmed children and women", please provide documentary references. What I can find is a testimonial to the contrary.

Here, in the chronology of the fall of the republic Serbian Kraina:

The following quote is of interest:

"...Извecтнo, нaпpимep, чтo oкoлo пятиcoт чeлoвeк, в ocнoвнoм жeнщин и дeтeй, в aвтoбycax и нa тpaктopax пытaлиcь пpoexaть из Пaкpaцa в Гpaдишки (BPC) и были пepeбиты y Бeлoй Cтeны ycтaшaми, вблизи пocтa миpoтвopчecкиx cил OOH. Moжeт, ктo-тo из тex нecчacтныx и вышeл живым и ceйчac cкpывaeтcя в лecax Пcyня и Пaпyкa. Бoюcь, oднaкo, чтo ycтaши пepeбили вcex cepбoв, кoтopыx cмoгли зaxвaтить, тaк кaк были пepexвaчeны иx пepeгoвopы, в кoтopыx гoвopилocь, чтo плeнныx нe бpaть."

"....It is known, for example, that about 500 people, mainly women and children, in busses and tractors tried to pass from Pakrac to Gradishki and were keiloled off new White Wall by ustashes, not far for a post of the UN peacekeepers. Maybe some of those poor soles survived and is hiding in the forests of Psunja and Papuka. I am afraid, however that ustashi killed all the Serbs, whom they could lay their hands on, as there were radio intercepts of their talks, in which it was said that they should not take prisoners"

There are a lot of testimonials there, for example about the operation "Blesak" - ethnic cleansing of Serbs in Western Slavonia.

Зa двa дня дo нaпaдeния нa Яceнoвaц тaм пoбывaл xopвaтcкий пoлкoвник Лyкa Джaнкo c гpyппoй oфицepoв, пepeoдeтыx в дaтcкyю вoeннyю фopмy и вмecтe c дaтcким oфицepoм. Oни oбoшли тeppитopию, ocмoтpeли пoзиции... »

Two days before the attack on Jasenovats, a Croatian colonel Luka Dzhanko came there with a group of officers, clothed in Danish military uniform and together with Danish officers, They walked around the territory, inspected [Serbian] positions.

Another publication. "Srebrenica. Why does the West ignore the facts?"

Serbian general Radko Mladic organised evacuation of Muslim women and children, as well as some young combat-ready males from Srebrenica, 22500 people in all, providing busses, so as to bring them out of harm's way.

After the war the West tried him as war criminal...
hero member
Activity: 616
Merit: 500
Serbs and Russians were always friends so i am not surprised with OP. Situation at ex Yugoslavia was bit more complicated and you guys will never fully understand it. Bottom line is, we (Croatia) were attacked by those Serb animals and we defended almost with no any real help from outside against 6th military force in world. We did not have almost any weapons or trained troops. Later, 1999 after numerous genocides Serbs have done in Croatia, Bosnia and Kosovo whole world could see who Serbs really are and they got bombed finally.

What about the Ustaše animals who butchered some 1 million unarmed civilians during the WW2 (including Serbs, Roma, and Jews), after siding with the Nazis? Were their crimes any less than those committed by the Bosnian and Kosovan Serbs? You Croats have double-crossed your fellow Christians by siding with the Muslims in Bosnia. And that is why you are getting f*cked by the Bosnian Muslims now.

IDK what happened in ww2, i was not there like you bryant. I can only tell what i saw and live through. Also, we fought Muslims at Bosnia but not against civilians and unarmed children like your friends Serbs. You Russians and Serbs only see your side of story like always.
Activity: 3752
Merit: 1217
Serbs and Russians were always friends so i am not surprised with OP. Situation at ex Yugoslavia was bit more complicated and you guys will never fully understand it. Bottom line is, we (Croatia) were attacked by those Serb animals and we defended almost with no any real help from outside against 6th military force in world. We did not have almost any weapons or trained troops. Later, 1999 after numerous genocides Serbs have done in Croatia, Bosnia and Kosovo whole world could see who Serbs really are and they got bombed finally.

What about the Ustaše animals who butchered some 1 million unarmed civilians during the WW2 (including Serbs, Roma, and Jews), after siding with the Nazis? Were their crimes any less than those committed by the Bosnian and Kosovan Serbs? You Croats have double-crossed your fellow Christians by siding with the Muslims in Bosnia. And that is why you are getting f*cked by the Bosnian Muslims now.
Activity: 1680
Merit: 1014
Was it that why Serbs managed to shoot down on of the invisible NATO bombers, killing them? Was that why they fought of repeated NATO onslaughts?

Truth is - civil wars are ugly. Russians know it, having suffered though them in 1917-18 and then in 1990s - the Chechen Wars. In Yugoslavia Croats and Bosnians were the same kind of tools as Chechens were in Russia. The difference being that you fulfilled your purpose in Yugoslavia. Only Serbs are now remaining as an un-subjugated nation in that area. You can be proud of it.
hero member
Activity: 616
Merit: 500
Serbs and Russians were always friends so i am not surprised with OP. Situation at ex Yugoslavia was bit more complicated and you guys will never fully understand it. Bottom line is, we (Croatia) were attacked by those Serb animals and we defended almost with no any real help from outside against 6th military force in world. We did not have almost any weapons or trained troops. Later, 1999 after numerous genocides Serbs have done in Croatia, Bosnia and Kosovo whole world could see who Serbs really are and they got bombed finally.

And it's the highlighted bit that reflects your own standing, your own characteristics.

What about the genocide of Serbs, what about human parts trafficking, what about hundreds of thousands of displaced Serbs, what about depleted uranuim bombing of chemical factories, what about Serbian commanders offering safe passage to the Croatian civilians...

Also, do read the summary of the first documentary, and the US role in it, at first praising Serbian restraint and willingness to preserve peace in Yugoslavia at the detriment for Serbs themselves.

Just google "Srebrenica massacre" and see what your Serbian friends are able to do. And that is only one of their massacres. Serbs have guts when they have great advantage in numbers and weapons. When someone hit them they run away and cry.
Activity: 1680
Merit: 1014
Serbs and Russians were always friends so i am not surprised with OP. Situation at ex Yugoslavia was bit more complicated and you guys will never fully understand it. Bottom line is, we (Croatia) were attacked by those Serb animals and we defended almost with no any real help from outside against 6th military force in world. We did not have almost any weapons or trained troops. Later, 1999 after numerous genocides Serbs have done in Croatia, Bosnia and Kosovo whole world could see who Serbs really are and they got bombed finally.

And it's the highlighted bit that reflects your own standing, your own characteristics.

What about the genocide of Serbs, what about human parts trafficking, what about hundreds of thousands of displaced Serbs, what about depleted uranuim bombing of chemical factories, what about Serbian commanders offering safe passage to the Croatian civilians...

Also, do read the summary of the first documentary, and the US role in it, at first praising Serbian restraint and willingness to preserve peace in Yugoslavia at the detriment for Serbs themselves.
hero member
Activity: 616
Merit: 500
Serbs and Russians were always friends so i am not surprised with OP. Situation at ex Yugoslavia was bit more complicated and you guys will never fully understand it. Bottom line is, we (Croatia) were attacked by those Serb animals and we defended almost with no any real help from outside against 6th military force in world. We did not have almost any weapons or trained troops. Later, 1999 after numerous genocides Serbs have done in Croatia, Bosnia and Kosovo whole world could see who Serbs really are and they got bombed finally.
Activity: 3374
Merit: 1824
1949 Greece
1952 Cuba
1953 Iran
1953 British Guyana
1954 Guatemala
1955 South Vietnam
1957 Haiti
1958 Laos
1960 South Korea
1960 Laos
1960 Ecuador.
1963 Dominican Republic
1963 South Vietnam
1963 Honduras
1963 Guatemala
1963 Ecuador.
1964 Brazil
1964 Bolivia
1965 Zaire.
1966 Ghana
1967 Greece
1970 Cambodia
1970 Bolivia
1972 El Salvador
1973 Chile
1979 South Korea (Pro-USA government wanted)
1980 Liberia
1982 Chad
1983 Grenada
1987 Fiji
1989 Panama
1991 Yugoslavia
1993 Russian Federation
1999 again Yugoslavia (Serbia & MN)
2001 Afghanistan
2002 Venezuela
2003 Iraq
2004 Haiti
2009 Honduras
2011 Libya
2011 Tunisia
2012-2015 Syria
2013 Egypt
2014 Ukraine

Looking at this list, my opinion is that there is only one way to establish the world peace. And that is to destroy the United States of America or to trigger its disintegration to smaller countries using proxy means. All the peace loving countries in the world should unite, to make this happen. A world without the United States will be much more peaceful and calm.

You generalize to much here.
Do you think that communist world is ideal world?
USA politics is not perfect but the saved Western world from more worse enemy, Communism.
It seems we forget to easy some things.
How many people Stalin killed in USSR or Mao in China?
Do you think USA is worst?
I don't think so.
They made also some mistakes, of course, but, in my opinion, more good things for humankind.
How you want to destroy USA?
Do you think it's fair toward their citizens, average Americans?
Think more about it.

Activity: 3752
Merit: 1217
1949 Greece
1952 Cuba
1953 Iran
1953 British Guyana
1954 Guatemala
1955 South Vietnam
1957 Haiti
1958 Laos
1960 South Korea
1960 Laos
1960 Ecuador.
1963 Dominican Republic
1963 South Vietnam
1963 Honduras
1963 Guatemala
1963 Ecuador.
1964 Brazil
1964 Bolivia
1965 Zaire.
1966 Ghana
1967 Greece
1970 Cambodia
1970 Bolivia
1972 El Salvador
1973 Chile
1979 South Korea (Pro-USA government wanted)
1980 Liberia
1982 Chad
1983 Grenada
1987 Fiji
1989 Panama
1991 Yugoslavia
1993 Russian Federation
1999 again Yugoslavia (Serbia & MN)
2001 Afghanistan
2002 Venezuela
2003 Iraq
2004 Haiti
2009 Honduras
2011 Libya
2011 Tunisia
2012-2015 Syria
2013 Egypt
2014 Ukraine

Looking at this list, my opinion is that there is only one way to establish the world peace. And that is to destroy the United States of America or to trigger its disintegration to smaller countries using proxy means. All the peace loving countries in the world should unite, to make this happen. A world without the United States will be much more peaceful and calm.
Activity: 1680
Merit: 1014
Snail2, thank you for the corrections. I think I will omit my note, as I refer mostly to the data pertaining Bulgaria there.
However, the linguistics of Serbian are Croatian are not that simple as being artificially constructed. If so, they were reconstructed in much the same way as New-Norwegian was, after a prolonged Danish occupation.

Linguistics is like genetics - you can divide peoples, tell them that they have nothing in common until they themselves start believing it, but dig into the language, into the geographic names, and you can reconstruct the past...

(A complete off-topic: I was in Vienna and Budapest this May. Nothing spoke of the impeding flood of refugees. Budapest struck me as a beautiful, yet somewhat sleepy capital with a friendly atmosphere.)

@Daniel. It's rather you who have a simplistic view on the matter. An Milosevic did agree to quite a lot and make a lot of concessions, but that was never enough as the goal for the West was not peace, but rather partitioning of Yugoslavia, in much the same way as partitioning of Russia is the current, openly stated by the US, goal. Milosevic, much like Yanukovich, thought that he could strike the bargain with the Western leaders. He paid with his life for that mistake.
Activity: 1512
Merit: 1000
I have a friend from ex-Yugoslavia (He's half Croatian half Serbian. "Crazy" combination, since Croats and Serbs "hate" each other because of what happened back then )

We have had really long talks on this specific topic. Everything is done because of geopolitics. USA is enforcing everyone to play with their rules, no matter where are you on the globe.
US democracy is more like tyranny with communist elements.

Yugoslavia was simply too big, too strong, and after the end of communist rule it had a chance to be an economically self-sufficient country. That wasn't preferable for the EU landgrabs of the time.
Perhaps the Balkan war was the first small scale "pipeline-war" as Yugoslavia had a nice pipeline system from the Adriatic oil terminals throughout the country with branches to Hungary and Slovakia (therefore connected to the Friendship II line, also it was quite close the Romanian pipeline systems down to Constanta). They also had a quite friendly relationship with Russia, Libya and Iran...
Perhaps it's just a coincidence, but the line became fully operational in 89-90, and next year the war broke out. Since then it's basically unused however the whole line is still fully operational.
Activity: 3374
Merit: 1824
You guys have very simple understanding of this tragedy in former Yugoslavia, everything happened because USA wanted to bring democracy and NATO there. Smiley
I'm from that area and truth is very far from this theory.
In fact, Yugoslavia was together only because of TITO, Communist party (ideology) and army.
Most people didn't like and didn't want this country,m they wanted freedom and national rights.
When Tito died, and Communist party collapsed in 1989, economy also collapsed and it become obvious Yugoslavia can't exist any more, the same like Czechoslovakia or USSR, simple because there was no freedom, national rights or happiness in such isolated and closed communist countries.
We could avoid was if Serb's leader Milosevic could agree with reasonable proposals from Slovenia and Croatia but he choose war over agreement and tried to do genocide in Croatia and Serbia in order to create ''Big Serbia''.
Russian documentary is just one side view about it, but not close to the truth.

Activity: 1652
Merit: 1043
Cypherpunk (& cyberpunk)
I have a friend from ex-Yugoslavia (He's half Croatian half Serbian. "Crazy" combination, since Croats and Serbs "hate" each other because of what happened back then )

We have had really long talks on this specific topic. Everything is done because of geopolitics. USA is enforcing everyone to play with their rules, no matter where are you on the globe.
US democracy is more like tyranny with communist elements.
Activity: 1512
Merit: 1000
All the while, all the parties to the conflict once belonged to a single Slavic people, with a common language and culture.
(Translator's note: The 500-year long Osmanian Yoke of 15th - 19th centuries is referenced here. Ottoman Empire - Turks - occupied Bulagria, Serbia [lands comprising Yugoslavia], Hungary and Austria, and were liberated by Russia in 1878. Of these countries, only Bulgaria, which is currently under American occupation, is manipulated to forget its history.)

A few additional notes (for correcting some of the historical mistakes) Smiley:
Please note that serbs, croats, and slovenians never ever been a single slavic people and Yugoslavia was an artificially created country in which the Entente forced people with different origin, customs, religion and historic legacy together. Even the language was different before the creation of the standard serbo-croatian language in the middle of the 19th century by a group of writers and scientists.

Also the Turks never occupied Austrian territories, and were able to occupy only about a third of Hungary before we stopped them.

One more thing. The Russians liberated nothing on the West-Balkan in 1878 as Croatia was part of the Austro-Hungarian empire, and Serbia was a de-facto independent state since 1830, Montenegro since 1855. However you are right regarding the East Balkan. The Romanian Principalities were semi-independent tributaries to the turks and Bulgaria wasn't independent at all before the war.
Activity: 1680
Merit: 1014
Two Documentaries: "Murder of Yugoslavia" and "Democracy of Mass Destruction"

Full text below:

Russian television aired this week two documentaries, which I can almost guarantee will never be shown on the History Channel in the West. Not because they are difficult to translate from Russian, but because they don't tow the official American party line and will be considered dissidence by the Western media censorship.

Alas, I do not have time to translate them, but I will present translations of the blurbs/summaries on the TV channel's pages.

The first one is...

How Yugoslavia was Murdered. The Shadow of Dayton

On November 21, 1995 world news agencies reported breaking news from the United States. At a military base in Dayton, the presidents of Serbia, Croatia and the leader of the Bosnian Muslims signed an agreement on cessation of the civil war in Bosnia and Herzegovina. In accordance with it, this part of the former Yugoslavia is now divided into the Muslim-Croat Federation and Republika Srpska (Serbian Republic). An international force under NATO command is deployed there to control the borders and to support the truce - only about 60,000 people, half of whom are Americans. The Serbs, who at that time controlled almost 75% of the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina went to the serious concessions and agreed to keep only 49% of the territory. This was done for the sake of ending the civil war, which by that time virtually destroyed the former Yugoslavia.

In Dayton, President Clinton told reporters about the "key role" of Slobodan Milosevic in ending the civil war and call the Serbian president "guarantor of peace in the Balkans." Just a few years after these statements, Serbia will be subjected to crushing air strikes by the US and NATO, will lose Kosovo, while the "guarantor of peace" Slobodan Milosevic, will die under mysterious circumstances in a prison of the Hague Tribunal.

Former Minister of Information of the Republic of Srpska, Miroslav Tohol, believes that the Dayton Accords were merely an intermediary for the strategic plans of the US and its allies to advance NATO eastward.

The civil war in Bosnia and Herzegovina was the most destructive military confrontation in Europe since World War II. Initially, the conflict was triggered by the unilateral decision of the Bosnian and Croatian deputies of the local parliament to secede from Yugoslavia. In doing so, they completely ignored the opinion of the Bosnian Serbs, who made up more then 31% of the population of this Yugoslav republic.

In fact, it was hinted to the Bosnian Serbs that from now on they will have the role of a powerless minority in the new nationalist state of Bosnians and Croats. In response, Serbian communities began formation of their own government structures. European countries have tried to stop the development of the conflict by proposing a peace plan for the division of Bosnia and Herzegovina into territories, in which the governance is transferred to the ethnic majority. In the spring of 1992, the plan was approved and even signed by representatives of the three communities, but the unexpected intervention of the United States has destroyed all hopes for peace.

The civil war in Bosnia and Herzegovina lasted for almost four years. As the result, one of the most beautiful and prosperous regions of Europe was completely destroyed and covered with blood.

According to the official data, the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina took the lives of 100,000 people, according to unofficial - twice as much. Of the four and a half million inhabitants of the republic, almost three million have become refugees. The spilled rivers of blood have forever divided the lives of the two communities - Serb and Muslim-Croat.

The bloody confrontation in Bosnia and Herzegovina was accompanied by all the horrors of the civil and religious wars - ethnic cleansing, secret concentration camps, brutal torture and mass rape. All the while, all the parties to the conflict once belonged to a single Slavic people, with a common language and culture. Separation into Catholics, Orthodox and Muslims was the result of five centuries of Ottoman rule, foreign invasions and the expansion of the Vatican City.

Strange blindness and one-sidedness in the coverage of the conflict, according to Serbian analysts, was the result of an unprecedented information war that the Western countries have declared on the then Serbian leadership, because of their attempts to preserve a united Yugoslavia.

At the same time, the Western journalists were completely silent about the facts of participation in the war of thousands of Islamic terrorists from other countries on the side of the Bosnian units.

In addition to the information war, Western countries also declared an economic war on the Serbs. Tough sanctions were imposed on Serbia for support of the compatriots and assistance to refugees. The most defenceless categories of the population became their main victims - the elderly and children, but the international community for some reason didn't care about their fate.

As a result, for the attempts to resist the destruction of Yugoslavia, the Serbs virtually ended up in the full economic, political and military blockade. The sanctions were not lifted, even when, in 1994, Milosevic had closed the border between Greater Serbia and the Republika Srpska in Bosnia, to demonstrate to the West the desire for peace. On the contrary, the pressure on Belgrade only intensified, and NATO aircraft started bombing the Bosnian Serbs.

Despite the economic blockade and information pressure , the Bosnian Serbs have managed to defend the Republic and to turn the tide of the war imposed on them. By 1995 they controlled nearly 75% of the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina. But, on Aug. 28, 1995 at the Sarajevo Markale market, a series of unexpected and mysterious explosions occurred. 37 civilians were killed, 90 people were injured. Just two or three minutes after crews of major Western broadcasters were working at the scene, saying that it was a mortar attack. By a strange coincidence, the explosions occurred on the eve of the meeting of the representatives of the US Secretary of State with the leader of the Bosnian Muslims Izetbegovic. The US and its allies immediately laid the responsibility for the tragedy on the Serbs, and already by August 30th NATO countries launched a military operation, codenamed "Deliberate Force".

Division of Republika Srpska were subjected to powerful air strikes, which affected the civilian population.

Only after the war, independent experts and criminologists from European countries suggested that the explosion at the Markale is very similar to a carefully planned provocation. Its goal was to create a plausible pretext for open intervention of the United States and its NATO allies in the civil war in the Balkans.

Similar techniques were used against Belgrade in 1999. Then, under the pretext of protecting the Albanian population in Kosovo, NATO aircraft for 11 straight weeks destroyed the infrastructure of Serbia, not sparing even schools and hospitals. As a result of this aggression, 2,500 Serbs were killed and 12,500 were wounded. For the first time since the Second World War, the US and its European allies, by using brute force, tore away Kosovo from Serbia, and changed the borders of an independent state.

The forces fuelling the Balkan conflict were clearly unfamiliar with the history of this region. According to the Serbs, they were forced to take up the arms not only encouraged the new aggressive reality, but also historical memory. Foreign political strategists clearly did not take into account that people, who could defend their right to live while under a multi-century long bloody occupation and genocide, will fight to the end.

Author and Director: Aleksej Denisov.

Highlighting is mine, and those fragments clearly demonstrate the technologies of destruction and fragmentation of states, which were used before Yugoslavia on Russia in 1917 and an in 1992, and now again against Russia through the American invasion and destruction of Ukraine and an open economical warfare against Russia for helping hundreds of thousands ethnic Russian refugees from Malorossia and Novorossia (formerly known as Ukraine between 1917 and 2014). Note how the Markale market provocation bear the same signature as the unidentified snipers on Maidan, shooting at both the protesters and the police.

An at that time Russia was under soft US occupation, so it could do nothing...

The second one is...

Democracy of Mass Destruction

EDIT: English translation at:

A Serbian girl, Christine Milutinovic, is afflicted with acute leukaemia. Christine is of the same age as the NATO bombing of Yugoslavia. And at the other end of the world, veteran of the US Armed Forces, Doug Rocca, also suffers from numerous diseases. Doug fought in Iraq and Afghanistan. American Rocco and Serb Milutinovic are victims of depleted uranium shells.

From the nuclear bombing of Japan in World War II and until today the United States participated in almost all of the military conflicts in different parts of the world: Korea, Vietnam, Cuba, Latin America, Yugoslavia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria ... Calling itself "a global peacemaker and bulwark of democracy", the United States has long been trying to become the "world's policeman", all in pursuit of its own interests, and using the latest and constantly developing weapons of mass destruction.

The terrible genetic mutations in the offsprings of Vietnamese guerrillas and of American soldiers who fought in Vietnam in the '70s are equally terrible. "Agent Orange" has become a "time bomb" for several generations of Vietnamese and Americans.

Why is this happening? How do victims of American "democracy of mass destruction" live and fight for their rights today?

Author: Pavel Selin
Director: Denis Argutinskij

In this regard, I'd like to introduce a new term, to distinguish the perversion, imposed on the world by the United States from true Democracy - the rule of the people, as practices in Ancient Greece and in Russia - in Norvgorod Republic which existed between 1136 and 1478.

The new term, which I want to propose id: DEMOCRATISM - as destructive as most of the other "-ism"s.

Here is a (almost) complete list of the countries, where USA instilled (and I mean "instilled" and not "installed"!) or attempted to instil democratism:

1949 Greece
1952 Cuba
1953 Iran
1953 British Guyana
1954 Guatemala
1955 South Vietnam
1957 Haiti
1958 Laos
1960 South Korea
1960 Laos
1960 Ecuador.
1963 Dominican Republic
1963 South Vietnam
1963 Honduras
1963 Guatemala
1963 Ecuador.
1964 Brazil
1964 Bolivia
1965 Zaire.
1966 Ghana
1967 Greece
1970 Cambodia
1970 Bolivia
1972 El Salvador
1973 Chile
1979 South Korea (Pro-USA government wanted)
1980 Liberia
1982 Chad
1983 Grenada
1987 Fiji
1989 Panama
1991 Yugoslavia
1993 Russian Federation
1999 again Yugoslavia (Serbia & MN)
2001 Afghanistan
2002 Venezuela
2003 Iraq
2004 Haiti
2009 Honduras
2011 Libya
2011 Tunisia
2012-2015 Syria
2013 Egypt
2014 Ukraine

(List compiled by: Bryant Coleman @ Bitcointalk)
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