I recommend the following:
https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=92716.660and Nicksasas posts who owns notroll.in:
https://bitcointalksearch.org/user/nicksasa-11875In short, what happend is there was apparently an unintended double payment on notroll.in and the pools LTCs dried out due to autowithdraw.
To quickly remedy this (temporarily ?), Nicksasa (the pool owner I guess) took away from everyones non withdraw payment account 25%.
The problem some guys had (as I understood), their autowithdraw was either inactive or they set a higher threshold value which could not be reached. They acumulated LTCs which where reduced by 25% by the pools owner without any notice. Between an interval of aprox. 30 min. where i querried my account, i saw it reduced by 25%. I checked out the pools site for notices and the bitcointalk forum, but found no information. Only after aprox. 8..12 hours (if i remember well) the first complains appeared (see first link).
Nicksasa on April 09, 2013, 03:42:57 PM:
Before you flip out, let me explain this.
On 7/04/2013-8/04/2013 getwork miners were paid DOUBLE. Then since 14h ago EVERYONE was paid double.
Ofcourse i HAD to correct this.
This was also the reason the hot wallet dried up while i was away (and i still am, btw).
Nicksasa on April 10, 2013, 09:55:21 PM:
To everyone that is sure that they lost too much, I will put up something (a page, or pm's, i'm not sure yet.) so i can look into it. I know it wasn't fair to everyone but i had to take immediate action.
It's sad to see that even after 2 days nobody even thought of telling me. I really thought the LTC community was more mature then this.
(And as stated before by MANY pools, pools are NOT a bank.)
Somewhere I read Nicksasa is having medical care and I whish him a quick recovery.
The thing that I criticize here is he had the time to withdraw those 25 % from everyones non withdrawn LTCs, but had no time to leave at least a small notice on his website saying there is a problem. I am curious to see what will happen to those, who won't notice and/or won't reclaim their mined LTCs. There are surely some people who didn't mine during double payment or others like me who joined this pool shortly after the double payment ended.
As pool maintainer with a fee, you earn the coins of the work of others, but you also have a responsibility to take if mistakes happen.
Please do not see my message as harassment or the like. Of course it will set Nicksasa under some pressure. I am aware of this. That's why I clearly want to say this:
a) he gets medical care (at least that's what I read in this forum), so I'll give him time to take actions
b) give always people the possibility to rectify errors one has done
The LTCs that where removed from my account at notroll.in are not worth this long message, but the future action the owner will take (or not) once his health is back will have an impact on my point of view how trustworthy I will see his pool.
BTW, Nicksasa says 'To everyone that is sure that they lost too much, I will put up something ... so i can look into it'.
What about the those who lost less ?